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Update on BM bringing SS13's $ to School and Her MOTY Gift of Socks

step off already's picture

Well, as predicted, BM did NOT bring all of SS13's money to the school so SS13 still owes about $60. He also owes an extra $14 a box of candy that he "sold" but did not turn all the money in for. So, he had to cough up the money to pay the school the balance for his trip this Saturday. Poor kid now has less than $40 left for spending money for 5 days.

It was just him and me this morning before school and he kept thinking and coming up with ideas for him to earn extra money doing more yard work around the house over the next few days. I told him that homework was his number one priority and that the final say was his father's. He even asked if he could get up at 5 am to work in the yard for 2 hours Tue-Fri. Again, I told him it was up to dad and that homework was first.

Poor kid. He literally sat on the couch for about 30 minutes thinking things through about his money: adding, subtracting... and hopefully putting two and two together regarding BM (but we'll see).

Oh, and he asked us to buy him some socks for his trip since he needed to bring 5 pairs and doesn't seem to know how to keep them together when his laundry gets done (aka, I ask him to bring his basket down, I wash and dry it and send it back up to him to fold and put away). I said,"didn't your mom just buy you socks for your trip?". Apparently they are way too small and only cover half of his foot.

Way to go BM!


step off already's picture

He's trying really, really hard right now.

I think the past two months of tough love are paying off.

They even had this motivational thing at school for the 7th and 8th graders last week where they got to break boards with their hands. They wrote one of their limitations on the board with the idea that by breaking the board, they are breaking through their limitations. He wrote on his "do my homework".

Which made me and his dad feel really good because we have been trying and trying to get him to focus and take this seriously.

But yes, it's too bad he has SUCH a lousy mother.

Newstep's picture

Oh that made me so sad for your poor SS. Poor guy but at least he is trying to figure out a solution instead of feeling sorry for himself. That is good Smile

What is it with these dumb ass BM's that "sell" the fundraiser products yet never turn in the money :? :? SD is no longer allowed to take any fundraising info out of our home. If she gets it during BM's week she saves it until she gets home. Why :? :? Because after 3 times of paying the money for SD to cover the orders she sold at her BM's we said no more!!! How can a parent even do that to their own child :? :? :?

step off already's picture

Well, this fundraising was actually all of SS13's doing. He's sold several boxes of candies, but apparently, this one he ate more than he paid he owes the $16.

He's pretty good with money, and was even selling some of the bars (the popular ones) for $2 instead of $1. So his plan backfired.

BM actually had SS13 bring all of his bday and christmas money to her house (he lives with us FT)so she could "open a bank account for him". Apparently, she let him buy a video game (to keep at her house of course, especially since he's on video game restriction at our house) and "she" took him to the fair and they used the money for rides and food. Then the money that was supposed to be left was $160 but when he asked her to bring it, she scrambled, asked when he needed it by and showed up $20 short.

This kid is ON IT with his money. He keeps track like crazy and saves and saves.

It IS sad, but he has to learn...

step off already's picture

He did better saving on his own, than he did bringing it to mom's to open this fictional bank account.

Newstep's picture

That is terrible!! She needs to scam her own kid for money. Pathetic. I guess getting a job and working for a living is out of the question LOL

step off already's picture

Ya, you'd think that a mother would actually want to get a job so SHE could do some things for her son. But nope. She works 5 ours a week. Wow! And likes to complain that times are hard.

Um, no.

They're hard when you mooch off of your "best friend" (aka; the woman she left DH and SS for when SS was 5) and sit on your ass all day and smoke pot and complain that your son is being picked on all the time by his step mom.

What a joke of a woman.

step off already's picture

I agree. DH has shielded the truth from SS13 for a very long time, but when SS was about 11 - and BM started showing up more since I was now a permanent part of the picture - DH started to let SS see what his mom was all about and he stopped making excuses for her.

She has stolen money from SS's bedroom in the past when she would show up while DH was at work. So stealing from her child is nothing new for this woman.