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What A Surprise didn't buy ss13 a ps4 after all

step off already's picture

Ss told us bm was getting him a ps4 for Christmas. He bragged about it to my bios for the three weeks before Christmas when he was headed to his mom's.

So what did she get him? Oh, he's do happy because she got him a pair of jeans and "really expensive socks that cost $20 a pair". Apparently she spent $120 on socks alone.

She also got him two more beanies. He can add those to the collection of the other 46 that she has previously purchased for him.

But why am I surprised?

...same woman that always promises the world. Never delivers.


step off already's picture

Exactly! But he believes everything his mom says, even though she lies like crazy and never follow through with any promises.

Right now he's in his "sticking up for bm" phase and tells us how much he really, really likes his new hats and socks.

No mention of why there's no ps4 as was promised...