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SO Has An Attorney! Can't Wait to See BM's Face! Ha!

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We got SO an attorney. Thank Goddess. Seriously, I was getting nervous just because of how crazy BM is and the claims she is now making. I know she thinks that because she has her so-called attorney (who didn't come with her to Court :?) that she's in the clear. I really can't wait to see the look on her old, haggard face when SO walks in with me and his attorney. I'm just going to look at her and smile. }:)

The attorney advised us that the judge we have is very fair, generally. Additionally, attorney basically said BM is smoking crack if she thinks she'll be able to get SO's visitation taken away and that BM's crazy claims against SO (made only after being charged with contempt and after asking SO to take SD full-time) really just make her look bad since she has no proof.

The attorney also seemed to think it was ridiculous that they were ordered to mediation again, but agreed that if BM gets competent counsel then BM's counsel might make her see that it's in BM's best interest to work with the current CO.

Either way, this means less work for me and also gives me hope that some of this garbage will resolve itself sooner rather than later.
