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Happy freaking Thanksgiving!

stepgin's picture

Well, it’s time for a little update on the adult loser step kids in my life.
I’ll start with a happy note! The SS34 (35 next month) did indeed move out to his own place the 1st of November!!! (only a month late) I haven’t been there, but I hear it’s a pit. He doesn’t really seem to mind too much and that is good because I made it clear that he’s not moving back with us if things fall apart or he doesn’t pay his bills. I think he’s finally starting to realize that it is only a stepping-stone to better things; or he pays lip service to that idea pretty well.
But the really nice thing that happened, I think, is that on his last night in my place, he gave me what seemed to be a sincere thank you for the help his dad and I have given him, how much he appreciated it and then gave me a nice hug goodbye! Will wonders never cease?? Maybe there is hope!
Now for the bad news. The SD32 (the one with 4 kids by 4 different thugs) and her ex-con boyfriend will be at Thanksgiving dinner. Here’s the weird thing to me. My DHs family seems to support every bone-headed decision that she makes. The convict is in the process of being sent up the river again for selling crack while he was living with her and the children. He was sentenced to 13 years but is appealing. Or rather, SHE is appealing it since he doesn’t work or have any money. She has paid for his bond, his lawyers, and all the seemingly “normal” expenses you might have while in jail. Care packages, phone cards, etc. But meanwhile, her family says what an “awesome dude” he is. Nitwits!
Anyway, I just found out today that he has fathered another child by yet another girlfriend!! This makes 3 in the past 2 years with a deep suspicion of a 4th child. I don’t know how I’m going to sit there and keep my mouth shut for the 2 or 3 hours we have to be at this dinner! SD32 only tells everyone what she wants them to know, which isn’t much. What I really want to say is something like, “I’m sooo happy for you both! I heard he only got 13 years for dealing crack when he was looking at 30!!! That’s wonderful! That means he might be out in 3 or 4 years! Hopefully, he’ll be able to spend some quality time with his 3 or 4 little ones then.”
I’m telling DH to stick to me like glue!


oneoffour's picture

Quite frankly, I wouldn't go. Get a migrane or something that may be contagous. Sitting at dinner and consorting with felons is not something I would be 'thankful' for. They read like they share the same brain cell... week about.

stepgin's picture

I did consider that. My attitude is that if I wanted to hang out with drug dealers, I would make friends with people like that. I'd start writing letters to guys in prison!
But ultimitely my DH wants me to go with him. And frankly, I'm the one that actually belongs there. Not the ex-con!