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I want to leave.........But where to go

stepmom-at20's picture

I have only been married to my husband for 6 months been together 3 years but after this last fight i really just want to leave,he doesnt listen to me or respect my needs he was different when we were dating but now its hell...he cant understand why i dont like ss or bm but i just have to be ok with him not liking my friends or family he is so controlling latly it used to be ours now its all his an mine I have had enough


Gia's picture


I've been there, I have felt like I have had nowhere to go even when I wanted to leave.
I do not have family or friends in this country. I swear that If I had had my mother or other close family here around here, I would have probably been gone by now. Although right now DH and I are doing okay...

But thAt feeling of being stuck is the worst Sad

stepmom-at20's picture

DH wont go to counseling I have tried to get him to go he sees it as a waste of money...He actually said that its money ss would need more than our relationship would need it....I dont earn enough to get a place on my own if i did i would be long gone....