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SKids went back to BM yesterday, and guess who's playing buddy-buddy with DH

stepmom31's picture

It really baffles me how these women just don't get it.

One civil interaction with DH regarding dropping off the kids, is all it takes for BM to start playing buddy-buddy with DH.

Doesn't she get that the SOLE reason he's even having a conversation with her is because of the kids?

BM keeps pushing a conversation with DH about people they know in common or things happening in the industry because she now works in the same industry as DH, and even works 5 minutes away from him.

He didn't answer her at all regarding anything else but kids, but I'm guessing it only makes her want to push up herself MORE.


NonEvilStepmom's picture

thank God My BM doesn't pull that shit. One time she did and DH told me about it. Thankfully he stood his ground. He said she was smiling and being flirtatious, wearing a spanks- sucking that gut in. lol He said she was (inappropriately) trying to explain to him that they didn't have to have a bad relationship. To which he replied, "we are not going to have ANY relationship". She also tried to bait him at SD7's birthday party- which I paid for! And then she caused a scene because I told her to stop trying to engage with him. She wanted to take a picture with him and she kept pressing the issue, claiming it was "for [SD7's name]". Needless to say, she's not invited to the SD7's 8th birthday party. lol Even SD7 said that BM embarrassed her at that party.

Cocoa's picture

yeah, dh's ex tries that from time to time to see which way the wind blows. he interrupts her and tells her he doesn't give a shit, all he cares about is the boys. ha! she's sent pictures and cutesy texts. but because he is VERY blunt, it's much more infrequent now. our dh's can't pussy-foot around with these bm's. they need to be shut down HARD.