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BM doesn't want to help SD with her homework because she doesn't have "crafty" things at her house -- and we do.

SteppingUp's picture

We had SD5 and SS3 on Monday night. Fiance cleaned out SD's back pack and took out her "Take Home Folder" and looked through it, but forgot to put it back in her bag. We don't see SD until next Wednesday now.

I saw the folder sitting on the counter, told DF that we need to get that back in SD's bag somehow, whether BM wants to pick it up or if we want to bring it to daycare or whatever. So I started looking through the stuff in it, and saw that there is a homework assignment that is due THIS Friday (DF had seen it but of course not read the instructions!), which means it's even more important for SD to get it quick so she and BM can work on her homework this week.

Fiance called BM last night, BM came over and picked up the folder, and DF let her know that there's a homework assignment in it.

This morning, fiance got a call from BM. She is mad at us that we didn't do SD's homework on Monday night. Here's the clincher -- her excuse for being mad at us for it is that WE have crafty-things at our house and she doesn't.

The homework assignment is to decorate a (paper) pumpkin by dressing it up in a Halloween costume. It says to use things around the house that you find so they can hang up the pumpkins in their 'costumes' in the classroom. So BM seems to be refusing to help SD with this project because she doesn't have "crafty" things at her house (apparently she has come to understand that I do, which is true, and I gladly would have done the project with her on Monday night but I didn't know about it).

The point is, once again, BM is trying to get out of doing something that involves PARENTING just because it is the slightest hassle for her.


PoisonApples's picture

Sounds like all she'd need would be tape and possibly glue and scissors.

This would e one of those times when I'd issue my standard 'If you aren't capable of taking care of the child then she should live with us and we'll make sure we have everything she needs.'

SteppingUp's picture

Exactly the materials she'd need....maybe some markers and some construction paper! Who has a 5 and a 3 year old and doesn't have those supplies??

She knows I'm "crafty" and would probably help make SD's really cool and I'm sure she wants to take credit for it.

MARLA_823's picture

Ugh seriously? She can go to the store if she doesn't have it! Our BM doesn't do homework either. last time we got SD and it wasn't until late that night when DH got a text saying "oh btw SD has homework sorry that wasn't supposed to be left for you to do." All it SD had to do was draw a picture. So when I take SD to BM's the next day we accidently forgot to take the picture. So DH sends her a text "oh sorry SM forgot the picture you'll have to do another one with her. Sorry that wasn't meant for you to do!" Yay for forced parenting!!

Jouma's picture

Our BM doesn't do homework either. Kids usually come back with 'incomplete homework' notes in their things. Pretty bad when homework consists of one math page with 6 or 8 problems or so, and the kid says 'mama didn't have time to help me'. Poor girl is very behind in school, was put back one year, because bm used to do her homework for her instead of helping her to understand and learn what she was doing.

SteppingUp's picture

It's like...SD has been in kindergarten for what, 2 months now? And this is her first homework assignment (and how can you really call decorating a pumpkin homework anyway)...and it's actually a FUN assignment/thing to do with your kid!

I can't IMAGINE what it's going to be like when the kids have math or science projects. Guarantee I'll be the go-to for any English-related assignments (I was an English teacher).