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BM's trip to NYC.

SteppingUp's picture

BM went on a trip to NYC this past week, to visit her ex boyfriend. She recently told SD6 and this guy is an alcoholic and she's not sure how the trip would go (because that's appropriate conversation to have with your 6yo?). Anyway, she has been gone since last Wednesday. She only had the skids one day last week (Tuesday). We found out yesterday, via her facebook, that she returned to town yesterday, around 1pm. So tell me why she lied to us that she wouldn't be back in town until today??

I know it's not a big thing. But it's just one more little incident of BM not caring to see her kids after not seeing them for about a week...putting herself first...lying to us when she could just tell us, "Hey, I come back on Monday but do you think you could keep the kids so I can get unpacked, etc?".... Anyway. She decided to go out with her friends last night (also info on facebook).

And guess what? Things didn't work out with this guy. Surprise!

Oh, and to add to our annoyance yesterday....I went to pick up BabySon, SS3 and SD6 at daycare yesterday. Daycare said, "Where's SS6? She didn't show up Friday or today." I know SS6 was with her biological father all weekend so I told her probably with him. Daycare was really annoyed and said, "Well I need to know these things! BM really needs to keep us in the loop about all this mess."

So I took SS3 and baby to the store. We had some shopping to do. I get a phone call from FDH at work asking where I am. I told him. He goes, "Well, looks like SD6 and her grandma [biodad's mom] are waiting for you at the house to drop her off. BM has been calling me frantically for the past 15 minutes like a crazy woman trying to figure out why no one is home at our house." I said, "Well, if no one even bothered to call us to tell us what was going on, I'm not hurrying home." FDh said, "Go ahead. Take your time."

So I did. I made them wait for a half an hour when I could realistically have been home within 5 minutes. Seriously people! You can't just expect people to miraculously know what you're doing! God we're dealing with a bunch of idiotic irresponsible people who literally care about NO ONE but themselves.


DaizyDuke's picture

Hello??? When BM says jump you are to say how high... duh!

BM#2 is infamous for saying she will meet you at 1:00 to exchange SS and not showing up until 1:30 or 2:00. I mean this happens ALL THE TIME! She could care less if anyone else has plans or a schedule as long as her needs are being met.

Just a couple of weeks ago, I got home from work and DH got home shortly behind me from some appointments. Skids were at the house (had been all day) DH said that BM#1 was supposed to come and pick them up hours ago... literally said she was on her way at 11 am. Well it was 4:30 pm when DH told SD13 to call her and see what was up... she said she didn't have a car... WTF? So how were you on your way 5 hours ago????

These BMs must all be cut from the same defective mold.. ugh!

oneoffour's picture

BM pulled that shit one Thanksgiving. She always goes out to her parents town (2 hrs drive away thru farmland and open road). The agreement was to have the boys back here by 2pm. Lunch was ready f0r 3pm. Bad weather was forcasted and they would be driving with it right on their tail.
5pm, no sons. DH calls ex inlaws. BM and her mother and the boys had gone shopping in the local township! And she made it back here by 7pm pissed as all hell that she HAD to do what she agreed to do.

Never mind my dinner was ruined. Reheated roasted potatoes just aren't as crunchy and the turkey had started to dry out. Not to mention the boys had a feed of leftovers before they headed back so picked their dinner and left 99% of it because naturally they were full.

I was beyond crying. I wanted to shove my ruined dinner up her arse. But DH would not let me call her because it would only 'feed the dragon'. So when she arrived 1 month later to pick the boys up on Christmas Day (we get Christmas Eve)she had to wait in the drive for 30 mins while the boys finished unwrapping their gifts. DH offered for her to come inside and keep warm. No she stayed in the car. She started tooting her horn and DH went out and told her to knock it off because just as she took her own sweet time at TG, this was his time with his sons. She started on about having to be at her brothers place blah blah across town and snow was falling. DH said "So? My TG dinner was ruined because of your selfishness. How does THAT feel?"