My wedding day!
Saturday we got married...and I'm reluctantly back at work today so I thought I'd update all of you!
It was such an AWESOME, AMAZING weekend with family and friends. My heart just wants to explode when I think of all the happy much love.
Of course I have to share a few tidbits about step-related stuff, since this is StepTalk, after all:
On Friday I realized that we don't have SD6's black dressy shoes for her outfit that night, that she was sent back to BM's with them the day before. She'd been wearing them to school all week, but BM got the skids on Thursday night. So FDH called BM and asked her if SD wore them to school that day. Bm flipped out all annoyed saying "How was I supposed to know if you didn't tell me?" Yes you are right, we didn't tell you...but that's why we are asking right now so we can plan for something different, if we need to go pick them up or whatever. So she is all snippy and says "Well I am not going to be home." (Mind you she works AND lives within a few blocks from SD's after school babysitter) Finally she agreed that she could drop the shoes off at the babysitter's house so we didnt have to run to the store to buy new ones. She was just trying to be difficult -- I think she thought we wanted her to bring them to our house or something and I'm sure she didn't want to come over in the middle of everything going on with family and friends and stuff....that's not at all what we wanted her to do, but she just flipped out immediately.
When we picked up the skids to go to rehearsal on Friday night, SD6 said, "Mommy wishes she could come to the wedding. Why wasn't she invited?" We had a long pause...and I said, "when you are older, SD6, you will understand." This is the same woman who finds it uncomfortable to talk to me about things yet she wants to come to our wedding? Guarantee if we had invited her, she would not have come...but the she had to make a point to her kids that she wasn't invited to make us look bad. We let that roll off our backs of course, because like I said, SD6 will understand later in life.
On the wedding day, SD6 was like my little mini-me. She was the sweetest thing ever. She wanted to be by my side every minute, and she was sooo excited! I wish I could share a photo on here because she was so darned cute. Randomly during the reception, I'd feel a little tug on my dress and look down and there she was, just smiling up at me, wanting to be near me.
SS4 was a typical boy, running around with his cousins and wild! When we were doing the receiving line after the ceremony, SD6 said, "Why are you guys crying?" I said because we're so happy and gave her a big hug. SS4 was staring at us with wide eyes...he didn't seem to understand the emotion we were feeling and even seemed afraid to hug us (this goes back to what I've been taling about on here about him having a hard time with emotions). Our baby boy was the best thing ever. Our DJ carried him around during dinner and he just walked around smiling at everyone in his little suit.
My favorite story of the night (well, one of my favorites) is when I was dancing with DH's (yay, we've dropped the "future" part!) dad. I told him how cute he was dancing with his wife, my DH's stepmom. I said to him that they are such an inspiration to us. He said, "If there is one thing that I wish for my children, it's that they find the love that me and my wife share. I believe you and DH have that, and I'm so proud that Wife and I can be a model for your relationship...because there's simply nothing better in this life." ***TEAR!**
Apparently DH's dad made a point to talk to both of my parents and tell them that I'd won their families hearts the first time he ever saw me with the skids.
To add one last little BM fun to the recap, she was supposed to get the skids back on Sunday. DH called her to see what time would work for her, that was around 2pm when we'd finally gotten back home and said all of our goodbyes. We were all exhausted, skids included. She said that she could probably be there in the next half hour. Well, 5:30 rolls around and she's still not there. Finally around 6 she showed up. She asked the skids if they'd had fun, and of course they told her about how they danced, and SS told her how he got to pull Baby down the aisle, etc. She was pretty nice about it all, although didn't ask me or DH any questions of course or say congrats or anything of that nature.
I checked her facebook out this morning, just to see if she'd mentioned anything that sounded like it was about us or the situation over the weekend, and she hadn't at all. However, she was out at the bar, sliding down stairs on a piece of plastic with a bunch of drunk idiots on Sunday afternoon...she can't miss out on "Sunday Funday" even when she has to get the kids! So that's where she was all afternoon....AGAIN. This is the 3rd time she's been at a bar the same sunday she has to pick up the skids. Such a classy lady.
DH and I spent the day yesterday having a couple's massage and watching was sweet. I love my husband. We ate lunch yesterday and he asked me, "What's one thing you want me to work on?" and I said, "Honestly, it would be so nice that if when you and BM need to make a decision about something, you'd just resolve it. Not say 'we'll figure it out later this week' because that is exactly the situation where I end up getting walked all over because BM just assumes something and you never get it figured out right away." He thought about it, nodded, then said, "Really? So the thing I need to work on for our marriage to be better than it is, is how I deal with my ex?" I said, "Oddly enough, yes."
I asked him what his thing for me was....he said "Can you try shutting the dresser drawers in the morning?"
Like I said, I love him.
- SteppingUp's blog
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So sweet! Congratulations.
So sweet! Congratulations. Wish you many more years of happiness!
Wishing you many years of
Wishing you many years of Health and Happiness! It is so nice to hear a step story with happy ending! these stories. these stories. Wishing you all the happiness for many many years to come.
Congratulations. So happy
Congratulations. So happy that your day was perfect, as it should be
What a great story!!
What a great story!! Congratulations to you both!!
Yay for you! Congratulations
Yay for you! Congratulations on a long and happy marriage!
Congratulations! Reading your
Reading your posting really helped me. I've had a lot of anxiety about our wedding (date yet to be named) and how certain people might act out. It reminded me that things will go wrong, but the feeling and purpose will be there, and in the end the little things just don't matter.
I loved reading your last paragraph, the one about DH figuring plans out with BM. I have the same wish... that he would MAKE PLANS and straighten things out ahead of time with BM, instead of saying, "We'll figure it out." "We'll figure it out," is code for "BM gets her way."
He is slowly learning to stand up to her, bully that she is.
The dresser drawer comment
The dresser drawer comment made was great
Thanks everyone!! I forgot to
Thanks everyone!!
I forgot to add another funny thing: When BM was picking up the kids, SD6 asked us, "When is the next one!?"
We all laughed and said...well...when your mom gets married, probably. SD6 rolled her eyes dramatically and said "That will take FOREVERrrrr!" *awkward laughs*...
Congratulations!! It sounds
Congratulations!! It sounds like your wedding day was perfect. I'm glad your skids enjoyed it so much
Oh this is so sweet - I
Oh this is so sweet - I remember happy newlywed days so fondly!!! Congratulations hon-!!!!!!!
Congratulations on your
Congratulations on your marriage! I hope it is a long and happy one!!!
Congratulations on the
Congratulations on the wedding!!!
It's quite delightful to read
It's quite delightful to read such beautiful wedding. I would love to see the photos