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Blog 1 of 2 for today - positive first

Storm76's picture

OH got stuck in horrendous traffic coming home from work yesterday, so I got a call asking if I could go pick SS10 up from his after school club as BM was at college. Wasn't particularly thrilled by this, but trotted round to get him & it meant we actually had a good 30 minutes of one-to-one time.

Anyway, having got through the rigmarole of me not being on the list to collect him (OH had phoned, but the message hadn't been passed on) he's getting his stuff together & introduces me to a couple of his friends. 'Oh, hello Storm, are you better now?', which I was slightly surprised about but said 'yes I am, thank you for asking'

SS10 then repeated to me the request that he goes to a sleepover at a friends on Friday night (that he'd already asked his dad & got the OK for), asking if I minded him not coming until Saturday morning.

Then, we're chatting about what he did at school & he was explaining the solar system to me, and why days get longer or shorter depending on the time of year. 'I asked about your birthday and you don't get much sun at all because it's in January, but I can't remember how many hours exactly' he says, then 'but I forgot to ask about mum & dad's birthdays'

Especially after my perhaps slightly paranoid blog yesterday, I'm thinking that there's really not too much of a problem here. The fact that he has obviously spoken about me to his friends, and that their response to me is extremely polite and caring, that he thinks of me during school etc makes me feel a bit warm and fuzzy inside. Biggrin


Amazed's picture

see honey??? he DOES think about you!!! that's so awesome! so happy for you Storm!!! Building blocks baby, just keep working on him and it'll pay off Wink

~Why run away? I know who I know who I am. Just let me be~

Stick's picture

Storm... this post just literally made me saw "Awwwww" out loud!!

I am so happy for you! You put a smile on my face this morning!

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***