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OH (kind of) stood up to BM!

Storm76's picture

BM phoned last night to say that she had treated SS10 for headlice (after waiting a week as we spotted one just before he went home last weekend!) and could OH bring his clippers round to cut SS10's hair before the 2nd treatment in a week's time. OH however, annoyed her by not immediately agreeing - firstly he doesn't want to use his clippers on SS10 until all the head lice are gone (unsurprising, as he doesn't want them) and that as last time he spoke to SS10 he wanted to grow his hair longer he would talk to him himself before cutting his hair anyway!

BM did NOT like this at all. I could hear her saying things like "well I've spoken to him and he's agreed", "you don't need to speak to him, I'm telling you" etc, but OH stood his ground.

It's very small, but I was so proud of him - he got very used to asking 'how high' when she said 'jump' and I hope that it gives him the confidence to say no sometimes in the future. Smile


Storm76's picture

Other Half - I hate calling him my boyfriend as it seems so teenager-y, we're not engaged or married, so it was a toss up between other half, significant other or partner!

PnutButta's picture

No matter how small, they are still victories! Let's hope he keeps it up!

"To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there." ~Barbara Bush

Kb3Hooah's picture

I really just don't get some BM's who are so dependent on their Ex's. I don't have a choice but to handle things on my own due to my Ex's lack of parenting. I would have treated him asap, then I would have ran down to the store to purchase a pair of cheap clippers and cut his hair myself. I probably would have cut my DS's hair anyways even if he didn't want it cut because it's easier to detect lice on shorter hair. But I would have never requested Ex bring his clippers over.

“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”

imagr8tma's picture

Good for him........

********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************