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I literally get speechless

stressed-mom's picture

I really just do not know what to do with this kid. She is so rude, bratty, and completely ungrateful.

Last night while I was cooking dinner SD8 asks me (for the 100th time in 2 days) if she can go to her grandpa's house for the weekend. (I have talked in earlier blogs about how she usually goes EOWE, but hasn't been lately because I have no idea why) I told her simply, "SD8 I do not know. I have already told you that you need to ask your dad." Now DH left for work the night before at 8 PM came home around 1230PM and was sleeping at this moment due to wake up around 8PM. It was about 6PM when this started. After I told her she needed to ask her dad, she went on to tell me how mean I am that it was unfair that I couldn't just give her an answer. Somehow this spirals into my being a big ole meanie pants for apparently taking her to the store and not buying her something. Really? I explained to her that me and DH provide a roof over her head, food in her belly, I buy her clothes, pay for her cheer-leading and bowling, I give her money for the book sales and bakes sales, and whatever other nonsense is going on and that I DO NOT have to do any of that. I got down to her level and softly but firmly (I was ready to ring her neck) told her I will not continue to do anything for a little girl that is so ungrateful and if that is the case she can start doing for herself. She proceeds to tell me "Fine. I'm not a little kid. I'll cook myself and do my own laundry." I told her she wouldn't be treated like such a little kid if she would stop acting like one and that taking care of herself also meant buying her own food and laundry soap.

I know I shouldn't have even engaged in this conversation, but this child gets under my skin. I honestly believe she does this on purpose. Either to run me off, to dominate the house, or simply because she finds it fun. The one thing I absolutely CAN NOT stand is when you are upset/arguing with somebody, anybody, and you walk and they continue to follow you running their mouths. I have been in relationships like this and it only escalates any problem. This is SD8 and what she does daily. I do not know why. DH and myself never do this. We know that it only pushes each others buttons and when one of us say "give me 5 minutes" We give each other that space to cool down. I do not why SD8 insists on antagonizing arguments with me.

After about maybe 20 minutes of me telling her this conversation is over please go find something to do, DH comes flying out the bedroom. Yelling at SD8 tells her he has laid in bed listening to her for the last 20 minutes and can not believe the way she has treated me.

Needless to say, SD8 is now grounded and will not be going to grandpas this weekend. Which is almost worse than arguing with her. I am screwed either way and it completely blows.

I just don't know what to do with this kid anymore. She has such a mouth on her. The night before I had told her something and she replied with "You don't know everything!" With her smart ass head bob, "What's 5x5?!" I really didn't know whether to laugh or flip out.

I feel as if I have exhausted everything and I just don't know what to do anymore. She is driving me nuts. Any problem a person could possible have she has all of them! I feel sympathy for her because I know she has many issues, but what more can I do for her and why is all of her crap pointed at me? I feel like I am constantly attacked by a damn 8 year old.


steppingsucks's picture

After a lot of trial and error, I've found that laughing at them when they're trying to get a rise out of you is a fun thing to do, as well as a way to cut off the conversation. They really hate that.

Her: "You're unfair because you're not giving me an answer!"
You: "Hahaha"

Her: "You're so mean to me!"
You: "Hahaha"

Her: "I can make my own food and do my own laundry!"
You: "Hahaha...ok, thanks"

I play it off like I know a joke that SS9 doesn't know, and it absolutely drives him crazy. He doesn't know how to handle it, and I walk away to do something worth my time. I know that it's very hard, but try your hardest not to let her bring you down.

P.S. I'm really glad that your DH stood up for you like that. A lot of us don't have that, so I guess it could be worst.