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As I predicted I was punished for whatever I did wrong????

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As I predicted earlier. He spent all day trying to pick a fight. I resisted. One of his nicknames for me is big bird. He says it to me in front of kids. I'm a size 14 /and curvy. Never cared. I innocently mentioned it in front of his cousin and school friend tonight. The girls invited me to go with them and he said he is not looking Fter the baby tonight. So I went home. As soon as we got in the car he started, I had made him look stupid telling people about his 'pet' name? I didn't realise it was and he says it I front of all kids. Now I am stupid and fat( I'm not) and an idiot and a c..t. You are all right SD or not me trying or not he is a pig


Struggling stepmum's picture

He is hanging himself rapidly this week. SD leaving him has made him careless. Life begins at forty for alright

Struggling stepmum's picture

I'm trying to, not quite organised or strong enough yet. But thy day will come. I will know it when it does.

Struggling stepmum's picture

None of my children or even Sskids have ever spoken to me like that. I must be scary enough lol. We have had a change in circumstances. SD 13 is now treating him with the contempt that she treats any other human obstacle. He is devastated and I'm sorry but I cannot bring myself to be that empathic with him. He needs to learn his lesson. She has tossed him aside and is now lying about him. (We live in quite a smallish community). I am observing it all, and am keeping conversations about her to an absolute minimum. Time will tell if he will step up to being a husband and father.