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Whatever SD and H!!!

Struggling stepmum's picture

Wish I had found step talk 2 years ago. In the last week I have recovered my self esteem, realised I am not in need of a mental health team and read that my problems are are a worldwide step mum problem. I have now got myself a counsellor ( for me only) and am feling strong again. There are improvements in my marriage. But if they don't last I know I will be ok. Don't know yet what my future holds but whatever it is thank you, thank you for the advice, support and general ass kicking that you have all given me. Good luck to you all and I will still be blogging and reading so I don't lose my will again.


Struggling stepmum's picture

My H stands up to his BM directly, but as she punishes him by proxy (the kids), and he is rubbish with them, then I guess he may as well not bother!

Struggling stepmum's picture

Me too. I hate that I have to almost fight for my marriage. But I'm strong and the world is a big place. I have choices and rights. This site has made my spirits soar and I will keep reading daily to keep myself strong. I think I may have just replied to your blog. X

Onefootout's picture

This site has helped me a lot as well. It's really helped me fight against SO's defense tactics, and we've argued so much less. I've become more empowered, I'm actually learning to get my way sometimes, without a big fight. I feel like because of this site, I'm working smarter, not harder.

I have a lot of trouble asserting myself, and this site has helped me get the confidence to do that more Being assertive, not resentful and combative is so important.

Struggling stepmum's picture

In just a week I feel a little like my old self. I've had to step back from my H a little but I feel as if wether I stay or go now it is my choice either way. I am losing the aggressive resentful me. I can't change him but I can change me and they may well be enough.