Tone Up Tuesday
Sorry guys I'm afraid to say I didn't build up the courage to go to a workout dance class this week :/ ..Ok that was funny.. 'dance' just autocorrected to 'snack' lol
But I will try again this week. In fact just writing up Tone Up Tuesday and admitting that I didn't go, has made me want to check out which classes are on this week and when, just so I can log in next week and say I went!!!
I will post this, then go online to check. I will tell DH to keep that evening free, and I'm going to go. I will. This week. Yep.
It's just that.. I go bright red and sweaty so easily. That's what's holding me back from going to class. I'm embarresed at the thought. I never used to be like this, I swear it's the extra weight.
I was so embarresed at the weekend.
DH was invited to a big cookout at his friends place. It wasn't far to walk, so we left the car at home. We were obviously walking quite slowly as DD2 was walking with us, and even then, when we arrived, I was a bright red, sweaty Sunny.
I was being introduced to all these people as soon as we arrived, and I was just so embarresed. I kept fanning myself with one of DD's small drawing books I always have in my bag to keep her amused when we're out, and saying "Gosh I'm sorry it's just so hot!"
Gah. Gah. Gaaah. Hate it. We ended up having a nice time but it took me a really long time to cool down. There was one really nice guy there, he even said "I'm glad you cooled down ok, I thought you were going to melt!"
(He wasn't being rude btw, he was very funny, we laughed a lot and were having very nice conversions the whole afternoon when we bumped into eachother, like I said there were a lot of people there)
We both laughed when he said that I might have melted, and I made a joke about the saying that my gramma had, "horses sweat, men perspire and ladies glow"
I said well just call me a horse gramma! And we both laughed. Obviously it was a light hearted conversation but I was still very embarrassed inside :/
Anyway, apart from not going to class, (and being all sweaty at DHs party) I've had a pretty good week food wise.
The one day I was "bad" with my eating plan was the cookout, there was SO MUCH FOOD omigosh. Oh and the wine, the beautiful beautiful wine :/
I couldn't help myself. Potato salad, fresh bread from the bakery (with butter of course), all kinds of different meat cooked in different ways with amazing sauces, omigosh I was in heaven.
Carb central, but heaven. I didn't even feel guilty at the time, I was enjoying myself too much, lol!
The host also insisted we bring leftovers home as there was still so much left, I seriously could not say no. Ohhh so good.
Ooooh also, I got on really well with a really nice lady there who gave me her number, I texted her the next day to say how fun the day was etc, but I haven't heard back :/ Hoping I hear from her soon, as it would be great to have a friend here
Anyway. Back on it this week. I will go to a class, and keep the carbs low again. How about you guys? X
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I feel the same way about
I feel the same way about having things in the refrigerator that are "bad" .. I feel I can't start any kind of healthy eating without finishing up all the "bad" food first, I really wish I could reach that stage of my mind when I can have ANY kind of food in my kitchen (bad/good) and still be able to stick with my healthy eating plan. I think it's been about 20 years trying to figure that out. So.. Any ideas on finding that healthy balance? Then let me know!!! :/
I am the biggest
I am the biggest procrastinator. And I have been a total slug about exercising this past week

BUT I AM going to the gym today, no if's, ands or butts
I ditched going last night, and ended up drinking 3 glasses of wine instead. Not helpful, esp when I woke with a headache this AM.
But today is a new day, and I am planning once again to work out. I do eat pretty well anyway, so that's not a huge issue. Just need to eat a little less. And of course watch the wine intake.
Good job on the gym decision!
Good job on the gym decision!
..At this moment, I am holding out both my hands, palms up in front of me. I am saying "wine?" (looks at other hand) "gym!" (looks at other hand) ..WINE!!!! lol it's so hard to stay focused bit pleased you're going to the gym 
Sunny, I really want to
Sunny, I really want to encourage you not to feel embarrassed about how you would look in a dance class I completely understand - it's hard for me to accept how large I've gotten, and I hate showing my fat rolls to anyone. I'm uncoordinated and awkward, with pale skin that flushes easily -- ok, I'm not a completely hideous to look at, but I am self conscious. It was even starting to affect my relationship with DH, not because he found me unattractive, but I find myself unattractive. DH still loves me and finds me attractive and I had to find a way to accept that he loves ME, not just the shell I'm in.
I think we as women have created this belief in our heads (and the media encourages it and feeds into it) that we are unlovable unless we are thin, or pretty or kind...or anything we aren't sure we are.
You are still a person - lovable and deserving of love and kindness especially from yourself.
Every woman in the gym has her own story going on, or feels insecure about something, the important thing is that you go to the gym. Or do whatever it is you need to do to take care of yourself FOR YOU. Not for a number on a scale, or a clothing size. You deserve to feel ok in your own body.
As for me, I'm taking my red faced, large body to jazzercise tonight and I'm not gonna care how I look, I'm going to take a moment and just be proud of myself for showing up. Tomorrow, I'm going to Zumba class -- I'm terrible at it, but I have so much fun!
I'd like to help you find a way to change your internal dialogue, but I know how hard it was for me. I could be unhappy at home, and keep eating, or I could be embarrassed for a brief time at the beginning of class until I got distracted by how much fun it is. I still hang out at the back of the room, afraid for anyone to be behind me and watch me, but I'm starting to not care. It's taken a while though.
Just keep trying and remember you are a person deserving of love!
I want to say Thankyou, so so
I want to say Thankyou, so so much. For totally and utterly *getting* it. I could have written everything you did (DH loving me and still finding me gorgeous despite my size etc) but it's ME that's the problem. Omigosh. Thankyou again x
Jazzercise and Zumbaa? You go gal!!! Awesome
Jazzercise is so much fun. I
Jazzercise is so much fun. I used to go back in the 90s and I LOVED it.
Sunny, Let me tell ya, even the gals you think are fit and slim and look whatever, they are as self-conscious as anyone else. Don't be fooled. I am to the point I don't care what anyone thinks, I just go for me.
I'm also on the weight loss
I'm also on the weight loss wagon. I have way overindulged this summer, and I was taking summer courses so I wasn't getting to CrossFit. I'm back to clean eating as of yesterday and I'm back to CrossFit tomorrow. SO and I are going to a formal wedding in 6 weeks and I am wearing a very fitted gown so it's time to get off the chips and salsa and back to the lean meats and veggies!
Cross fit, wow! Good job!
Cross fit, wow! Good job!
I'm sure you will look spectacular for the wedding! 
Sunny, I can relate. I sweat
Sunny, I can relate. I sweat just blow-drying my hair. It needs to be about 60 degrees for me to do normal things and NOT sweat!
plz pm your crack recipe. i
plz pm your crack recipe. i dont want to rub it in sunny's face but dh loves pb...
I'm sure I can gain 3 pounds
I'm sure I can gain 3 pounds in a DAY.
~envisions Echo panting like
~envisions Echo panting like a dog~ :O
Crikey! My head more than makes up for your lack of sweating. I think I have garden hose-sized sweat glands in my skull.
Please pm me that crack recipe. xoxoxo
1) Aniki, yes. I get you. I
1) Aniki, yes. I get you. I am definately like this! Thing is, I never used to be. I do wonder if it's an overweight thing, which worries me slightly as surely that's not healthy. Gah.
2) Echo, wow just reading that made me uncomfortable for you! I want to build you a pool filled with ice cubes and rainbow food colouring. (Ok so the colouring is just for fun.. An all colours of the rainbow pool would be awesome to hang out in)
Yehhh! *jumps up and down and
Yehhh! *jumps up and down and claps hands*
Make jello!!! With edible
Make jello!!! With edible glitter!!!!!!!!!
Sunny, I've always sweated
Sunny, I've always sweated like it was an Olympic sport and I'm the gold medalist legend. Even when I was body-building, I'd sweat rivers and have to change headbands once or twice during a workout. I've heard that a Botox injection in the head can help that problem, but....Botox?? ~shudder~
I am still stuck at 53kgs. I
I am still stuck at 53kgs. I have come to the realisation if I do not quit the coca cola I am not dropping lower *cry* Can I admit I would rather only eat every 2nd day than give up my coca cola?
isn't that only a little more
isn't that only a little more than 116 pounds????
Holy crap on a cracker! If I
Holy crap on a cracker! If I weighed 116 pounds, I'd be anorexic!!!
Crikey, I had a DOG who
Crikey, I had a DOG who weighed more than Monchichi!!!
I am 5'3ft and 53kgs. Ideal
I am 5'3ft and 53kgs. Ideal weight at my height is 48-52kgs. I want to be 49kgs as I have a very petite build. It's all on my thighs and muffin top
Based on the Robinson formula (1983), your ideal weight is 119.3 lbs
Based on the Miller formula (1983), your ideal weight is 126.1 lbs
Based on the Devine formula (1974), your ideal weight is 115.5 lbs
Based on the Hamwi formula (1964), your ideal weight is 114.9 lbs