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Awesome news!!

Sweet T's picture

Yesterday my awesome BF of 9 months called to tell me that he recieved a local job offer and will no longer be driver over the road after he finally gets back from this last long trip from hell. He will have been gone for almost 4 weeks this time, has had loads fall through, had to wait forever to deliver, pick up and today woke up with either food poisening or the flu.

Both my son and I are beyond excited! This will be a huge adjustement as he has been over the road for 22 years. His mom says that she could tell it was getting old after he bought his house 2 years ago and that now that he has us in his life it was apparent that it just wasn't enjoyable for him at all. Nice conversation with her. She told me how much he loves my son and how he is always talking about him. Kind of funny because he tells me that his mom keeps pushing him about where this is going and talks about us moving in. That will not be happening at this point and time. Maybe several years down the road I would entertain it BUT I love my new place and we are all where we need to be at this time.

It is going to be so great to be able to see him on the weekends and to know that I have another adult around that I can depend on if I need help. Mostly I just love that man and want him to be happy!


misSTEP's picture


Sweet T's picture

I am just so excited for him and for us. I feel awful for him today knowing how sick he is. I felt like something was up because he always texts in the am. I didn't hear anything so I just sent him one telling him to have a great day...that is when he came back with a text apologozing for not texting but that he is really ill. I am like aplogize??? how are you doing? He is a tough cookie so for him to not work he is really ill.

I am pretty sure we have a lot more to do with it then he admits to.