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Update to disorganized.

Sweet T's picture

First off thank you ladies!! I appreciate all the great advice.

So his teacher who I really do love got back to me with how things are set up. Last night on his own bs came home with this binder he forgot he had and a plan. We discussed the missing picture, he swears he gave it back to his partner. I said well what are you going to do to get this assignment completed. He said I am going to ask the teacher where she got it and print a new one. Right answer.

The teacher told me how the day is structured, when they are to organize themselves ect...

I believe totally in actions have consequences. This kid is not a natural organizer so my plan is to help him figure out how to better manage it and then he is on his own to make it happen and keep it up. He is smart and wants to do well so hopefully this will be it.

I appreciate everyone's advice there are a lot of good women and moms on here who have raised awesome kids!


AshMar654's picture

Sounds like my SS9 sometimes. He is forgetful and can be disorganized sometimes. His biggest thing is rushing through things so he is like one of the first ones done. He got a b on his last math test lowest one of the year all have been high A's.

After seeing the test and SO seeing it too we both could tell he rushed, I even asked him because the last problem was really bad if he saw everyone finishing and he just did not want to be the last. He said yes. He can not stand being last. When he got the B he was really upset with himself. I was disappointed not by the grade but the reason behind the grade. So this week I told him if we get his test back and I can tell that he rushed through and was in a hurry he will loose his tablet for a month. The ball was in his court and he had the power to decide what mattered more.

This usually works with him. Point to what I am saying sorry for the small rant. Make him responsible for his actions. Take something away he cares about if he does not follow through with the plan. Maybe make a checklist item tag that is on his backpack or something have him look at everyday before he leaves school to make sure he has everything. Could help.

Best of luck.