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Where does my boy come up with these questions??

Sweet T's picture

Tonight as I was making dinner, BS10 asks me why did you ever marry my dad? omg!!! He was at his dad's this weekend and I know they had a good time together....not sure what prompted that question.

I told him once upon a time I loved your dad very much and that is why I married him. And that was that...dinner was ready.


Paintcrisis's picture

Is he starting to see the light?

Or was ex being a d$&che again and discussing inappropriate things?

Sweet T's picture

Not really sure, I know his dad was all giddy he thinks he has 3 weekends in a row because his Christmas eve falls on my weekend an I said that I would drop of bs on the Saturday mid morning if he brings him home Xmas eve night after church, so close to 10 :30.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

I don't think this is an odd question at all.

In fact I'd think it weird if he never asked.