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Why does everything have to be difficult!!!

Sweet T's picture

So ex crazy asshole has never acknowledged that I am being generous and letting him get BS tonight verses 9am like the decree says...even though I emailed him that section and he totally ignores it. Now he sends me this email telling me that his GF wants to go look at 3 houses tonight and wants him there to point out things she may miss and he has to be back to meet her no later than 6pm ( underlined) so I need to have BS read to take off the minute he arrives.If I do this I can pick BS up at 6 pm verses 6 but he hates to give up that hour. ( normal non holiday pick up is 5pm)

I emailed him back "Would you rather just come and get him in the morning verses dragging him at dinner time to look at 3 houses. The decree says you get him at 9am on Friday. That may be a better solution for all parties."

He just replied with no he has an action packed weekend planned and there is no time for him to come get him at 9am. I know for a fact that the other two kids aren't getting there until noon... he is just to lazy to get up.

I sent him this and have not heard a word back:

I m not saying it isn’t doable It is you coming to pick him up around 5pm like you normally do. I don’t think you have even had to wait 3 minutes from the time you have ever pulled up to get him. What I was saying is that perhaps picking him up tomorrow as the decree states( I agreed to let you have him earlier ) might be a better alternative for BS than dragging him to look at 3 houses at dinner time.

I am assuming that you are leaving work at 4pm and will be to my house sometime around 4:45, 5pm. Call and let us know when you are close. I will be to your place at 6pm on Sunday to get him.

I personally think he is doing this to throw his GF in my face again and that she is buying them a house. Back story, I sold my house paid off 25K of his debt to move into his shit hole of a fixer upper only to have him drive us into debt with a house 100K underwater and have to do bankruptcy and foreclosure. I will be renting and saving my pennies for a few years to buy BS & I a home...he will get his insecure GF to buy him one.


princessmofo's picture

I agree with Ripley. And personally, if I was in your situation, I would not deviate (even under pain of death) from the CO. I think it's the only way you will have any peace. He is beyond reason, so let him huff and puff at the CO and not you. You can't be faulted for following the CO plain and simple.

Sweet T's picture

I really try and keep it all business...

What sucks the most when you have to send your kid to be with an idiot is the worry. The disengaging that you have no control over what happens. He sees me trying to be the boss, I am just saying that you and your childless GF are going to try and squeeze 3 houses into night with a hungry almost 8 year old who normally is in bed by 8:30. I am structured...ex is constantly late and never has thought of his kids first, everything is on the fly.

I had decided previously to this that I was going to leave work early today ( I was sick on Monday and need to take 30 min of PTO... might as well take 2 1/2 hrs, so I am going to get BS early and make a run to old navy and get 4th of July t shirts for us. ( my mom always got our family these and it was so much fun!). I think I will just feed him as I believe the asshole is just going to ignore my last email.

I know my kid and we eat dinner every night except swimming night between 5 & 5:30 and he will be starve.