Spouse's Ex Threatens over Defammation And I think my Computer or blog has been hacked
Well, in the event that anyone knows my spouse's ex, you can kindly give her this little message....because frankly I'm tired of her narcissistic games.
Back off, Bite me, And don't ever threaten me again! I am starting to think that someone may have my IP so, I'll quickly give them a heads up and cut to the chase....I won't help you. You're on your own. Back off, you old wrinked 'ho. I've done nothing wrong but be kind to your children for years and despite that, you have always chosen to repay my kindness through your callous, bitter contempt, and spiteful jealous. Your daughter's behavior is nothing but a window of your soul for all the world to see. And no one forced her to strike out those ugly words on the keyboard. Children learn what they are taught. And obviously, it is quite evident, that she was taught nothing but ugliness, contempt, and hostility for all the years she has been with you.
This has been a good feeling for me, in case of those of you who don't understand what has been going on. (But most of you are familiar with this perverse situation)Anyways, it wouldn't surprise me, if there is someone tunneling through my stuff, so maybe this will get there faster.
If it does, I guess we know that there's a leak here, somewheres.......And for the rest of you watch out. Cause you're not safe.
- Sweetie's blog
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No common nicknames, just too many coinydinks
Hi Sympathetic BioDad,
I've been very careful not to use names. It's just that a comment that SD made with defammation on both her xanga and myspace mentioned that I "flipped" about her comment that she used about calling saying for all she knew I was a man. The only place I've mentioned that was here. The only person that ever calls me Sweetie is my spouse. And the only one who has ever heard that nickname is SD. But I think she has been trying to track my IP. SD is very hostile and has gone so far as to use defammatory remarks on her blogsite, going as far as to use my real name and remark in bold that I am a cyberstalker and sexual predator. So, I've been in a complete turmoil for a week--completely upset. My spouse is ready to break her neck. And SD thinks it's a big joke. But my husband says as far as he's concerned, she's dead. Biomom is not taking the matter seriously, either which is just adding fuel to the fire. She has told us one thing, and then done another. So, I had to look for outside help. I hope that this explains things a bit better. I'm not losing my mind. Just have absolutely no one around here to trust. Can't trust stepson, either, seems that he is back in cahoots with biomom, again. So, we are back to square one.