Maybe I should leave.
I think that I am truly done now because what I say doesn't matter and my DH is going to do whatever he wants any way. SS got hit with a kid swinging last Friday while he was at school so BM texts my DH and tells him in a vague message that SS got hit in the mouth from a another kid swinging. Then nothing after that. DH was worried and of course BM didn't tell him anything. She sends SS with these Ziploc bags filled with orajel, gauze, and band-aids and wrote what to do with them on the Ziploc bags. SS lip was a little swollen but that is to be expected because he got hit with a swing.
Then Saturday night rolls around and all of the sudden SS is video calling BM showing her showing her his mouth because she wanted to see what it looked like. She waits until 8:30 pm at night to check on him then demands that DH take him to the emergency room. Well DH went to bed early because had to get up early to do something for work on Sunday so he didn't answer her text messages. I told SS to cut the video conference off because he was showing BM the inside of our house. So he did. I get that BM is concerned about her kid but, she doesn't need to see the inside of our house. I definitely have a problem with that.
So the next morning DH goes to work and BM is blowing up his phone complaining that he is violating the CO because he isn't communicating about SS's medical needs. He explained to her that he was looked at SS's mouth and asked how he was feeling and took his temperature. She didn't seem to care she just keep on with the insults and telling him that he is neglecting his kids blah, blah, blah. And that he just keeps building her case against him. I took SS to the urgent care clinic since DH had to work on Sunday morning. Doctor said that SS was fine and gave him antibiotics.
BM was freaking out because she said that she needed to know exactly what kind of antibiotics the doctor was prescribing for SS since he is allergic to everything she is allergic to. SS is allergic to penicillin. The doctor prescribed SS cephalexin. The doctor knew that SS is allergic to penicillin so why she has prescribed anything SS was allergic to.
BM thinks she knows more than the doctor I guess. So then DH goes on to tell me that I cause him more stress by telling him how I feel versus what BM does. So I told him if he wants to be a doormat to BM and let his kid run his household then he can do it without me.
- tankh21's blog
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That does seem to be the
That does seem to be the general theme in this relationships... The second wife is supposed to be the doormat and shoulder to cry on while voicing none of her own feelings.
Disengage ..... next time SS
Disengage ..... next time SS visits and something is wrong or he needs a doctor, smile and say BM you can come and collect him... I'm not taking him and DH is at work....
simply disengage and only pay attention to DH.... give it a couple off months and tell him straight, either he 's scared of the consequences if he ignores you, or he separates from you and take BM back seeing he's jumping every time she snaps her fingers...
So why didn't MOTY worry
So why didn't MOTY worry about taking her child to the clinic/dr's office Friday. If Dad has the kids starting after-school or there shortly after when he gets off work, the kids are still on BM time during the school day.
BM would have been called when the school accident happened. The school is responsible for what goes on during outside recess and anyone hurt/injured on their time. That child should have been taken in before the school bell even rang and it all became Dad's time.
But the kid finally sees a dr on Sunday. Taken by you. And your thanks? BM wings out on you and DH accuses you of making him more stressed out than the b*ll BM causes/does.
Honestly? Those two (BM/DH) are so busy playing 'gotcha' and trying to out do each other whether it's 'I am in control' , 'No, I am' or it's 'do as I say, not as I do'...neither one of them is worth a flying fig when it comes to either of these children.
Thank you twoviewpoints that
Thank you twoviewpoints that is exactly what I think. It's the control game with them and not about the welfare of these kids. I told DH that I am tired of being an instant mom and that he needs to make his choice to start stepping up when it comes to his kids and not play these control games with BM.
I wouldn't have been as
I wouldn't have been as concerned with her seeing the "inside of my house".. if it was clearly him doing a fairly tight shot of his mouth and his talking head. Now... If I saw him panning the camera or computer around to take detailed views.. different story.
I don't know.. it sounds like your DH causes just as much of the drama by intentionally "not responding" or bickering back and forth and being passive aggressive.
I see you trapped in between.
I do see how she might initially worry about the antibiotics prescription because she might not know if the DR at the urgent care was aware of the allergy and you might not have known about it either. That doesn't mean the doctor would have been stupid, just that he wasn't aware of the history. She couldn't know whether he knew since she wasn't there.
Would you have preferred if she had come picked up the kid to take him vs you? I'm thinking I personally would have preferred that if my DH couldn't have taken the kid... but in your situation, not sure how you would have felt about her intruding on your life by coming to pick him up.
It sounds like this all just doesn't work for you.
They were both at fault. But
They were both at fault. But it was also DH's responsibility to take SS to the doctor however, he had to work for a few hours so I took him.
I know.. but I would have
I know.. but I would have preferred to have one of the bio parents take the kid to the DR... especially in a non-life threatening situation. (may have been somewhat "urgent" like couldn't wait until tomorrow, but certainly could have waited for mom to come take him).
What I meant more was that the both of them spit and spat at each other. You get caught in the crossfire by getting involved in their relationship. You either end up offended on behalf of your DH.. or you are trying to set boundaries that he refuses to do..etc.. or they are making you do things for the kids that they should be doing themselves.
That's why it doesn't work for you.
Yes DH should've taken SS to
Yes DH should've taken SS to the doctor but I also do not want BM at my house either while DH is not there. DH asked me to take him so I did. Like I said below in another comment perhaps I should just tell DH to solve his own problems from now on because yes it doesn't work for me and I am unhappy. DH says all I do is complain which is true but, I wouldn't have to complain if he would create boundaries with BM and start stepping up when it comes to his kids.
Sounds like the BM in my
Sounds like the BM in my life. We had a similar incident two weeks ago, where SS11 was convinced he had a concussion and BM was sending frantic texts about DH needing to take SS to "urgent care" because this "was a serious issue". Of course, by the time SS returned to her home - less than three hours later - BM was over it and didn't rush him off to the hospital.
Some thoughts:
1) whichever parent the child is with at the time, is the parent in charge. if that parent in charge decides to consult the other parent, fine, but the parent not currently in charge has no business inserting him/herself into decisions that are the responsibility of the parent in charge without being asked. Fortunately, my DH is in agreement with that are largely ignores BM.
2) children who engage in involving the parent not in charge, in decisions, without consulting the parent in charge, should be told that their behavior is not ok. This is one where DH and I disagree. In our case, BM always inserts herself into the discussion because SS will call her if he is unhappy with DH's response. I think DH should tell his SS that doing that is completely inappropriate. When SS is with DH, DH is in charge. DH is capable and BM does not need to be consulted.
3) if the parent not in charge feels as if the child will need something based on something that happened when that parent was in charge, he/she should notify that parent at drop off, not at a later time when it will become an unnecessary fire drill. We've also had texts from BM to DH at 10pm on a Saturday saying "SS needs XYZ. He wanted me to text you because he doesn't feel comfortable asking you himself." Um, both BM and SS knew that SS needed XYZ before DH picked him up on Friday evening. I will not rush around late at night to get a non-emergency item for a child old enough to ask his dad for something, especially not because I've asked both SSs multiple times to let me know what they need to feel comfortable at our house or what they have at BM's home that they would also like at our house. Those moments are the time to ask for things, not at 10pm when you call you mom to say "I know Dad won't buy this for me, so I don't want to ask him, but I also feel sad in advance that he won't get it for me, even though I never asked him." I feel like those kinds of moments are "gotcha" moments so BM can say to DH "SS needed XYZ and you refused to get it for him." So, over the drama. I feel like if I were in BM's shoes and my child was calling me from his dad's house to complain that he didn't have something, but didn't want to ask for it, I'd tell my child to march in and ask his dad for that, instead of bothering me about it. However, that is impossible for BM, in my case, because she would like her children to think she is the only parent who matters.
Exactly that is what is going
Exactly that is what is going on in my house as well. BM shouldn't be ordering my DH to take SS to the doctor at 8:30 pm at night on a Saturday night. Her opinions are the only one that matters and she is the only parent that matters. As far as DH making decision apparently she feels that he isn't aloud to. I get that he is supposed to communicate with BM about the kid's medical needs but, you don't order someone to take the kid of the doctor on their time. If DH wants to take him to the doctor right then and there then he can do so but, BM shouldn't be allowed to be ordering him around. He checked on SS before he went to sleep and told him if his mouth was more swollen on Sunday morning then he would be taken to the urgent care clinic which is exactly what happened. I get BM being concerned about what SS was being prescribed with him being allergic to penicillin but, I she cannot order DH around. She also tells him to shut up, threatens him with court 24/7 and she told him to go ahead and keep on neglecting his kid because it just builds her case against him. She makes threats when she doesn't get what she wants. It is not about the welfare of the kid it is about control. She was pissed because DH didn't answer the phone when texted him and didn't respond until the next morning because he was asleep.
I also find it hilarious that
I also find it hilarious that a person who is an LVN spells does as dose.
The fxxk are we supposed to
The fxxk are we supposed to do everything to help then and keep our mouths shut too? Take care of their children and don't cause extra drama because they have enough with BM???? They need to step the fxxk up and deal with the little people THEY helped create.
And these moms with their GD medical emergencies, faaacck. Talk about the sky is falling. My ss has had a cold off and on for about a two weeks. It almost go away completely and comes back. No fever. So BM says why haven't you taken him to the doctor. (The doctor she has on and HIM is 25 miles from us and now over 60 miles from her and she won't change it.) And then the next day when she has him for her 2 days a week, no doctor. So when he get him back he's crying and holding his ear. I figure his sinuses are now all lights wack maybe ear infection so we take him get anti biotics just in case because in the almost 3 years ice been around I've never seen him act in so much pain. And when we get him back she doesn't return the medicine. She went to school to be a medical assistant (not that she has a job doing that or at all) but you can't just do antibiotics for a day or two and then stop. But I didn't say anything. Except that this morning he wakes up crying holding his ear again! So now she has to drive all the way up here to drop the medicine off she should be brought two days ago or yesterday when she dropped off his school stuff she forgot. Andd she freaking out about him going to school. We are not going to drag him crying holding his ear into class.
But really your DH should never make you feel bad when your helping. His ability to handle stress should have nothing to do with you being able to voice your thoughts as feelings.
Thank you Kirby. Maybe I
Thank you Kirby. Maybe I should just tell my DH to solve his own problems from now on.
Exactly! In my day I got hit
In my day I got hit in the lip with one of these (second device from your left)at age 4 or 5.
They were made out of metal AND this one had had an "upturned lip/edge." Was visiting my cousin's house. He launched it by hand into my face. Was basically a guillotine at that point.
What did my parents do? I still have the scar to this day but no stitches for me. Just put a "cold facecloth on it" (TM) to stop the copious bleeding and that was that. No doctors visit, no emergency room. Nothing. Somehow I lived although I could have gotten tetanus from the rusty metal.
I also got "jumped" off of a very high schoolyard teeter totter at age 6 by a big fat kid. I was the smallest kid in the class and he waited till he was sitting down on the ground and I was up in the air then he jumped off. I went crashing to the ground and was knocked out cold. I was told the principal came out but that was the extent of it. NO doctors visit or concussion protocol. LOL. Somehow we all lived.
Too many snowflakes in this world as far as I'm concerned.
Yeah well BM over coddles
Yeah well BM over coddles both of those kids. Get this SS asked me if he could have a coke. I told him that he can have a coke at dinner time and to drink water. He then tells me well my mom gives me $15 a week allowance for not drinking cokes. I told him well what your mother says and does is her business at her house however, in this house your dad and me buy the cokes and if we don't want you to have one then you won't get one because we are the adults. SS says well what do I get for not drinking a coke? I told him nothing because again your dad and me make the decisions in this house not you.
Tank - you're considering
Tank - you're considering being done because your BM acts in a way you disagree with, and your DH responds in a way you disagree with.
You mention a lot that you take on "parenting" for ss...
simple solution. Stop. Let DH handle it. Don't get involved.
SS is not your kid - DH and BM seem to make this clear to you - just based on your posts.
I know you think you're doing right by the child - and you might very well be - but you might be the source of your own issues... so what if BM does stupid things. Laugh it off like you would a neighbour's decision or a coworker's decision.
So your DH gets stuck having to take care of something... oh no. Welcome to being a parent, buddy. Let him.
Unnecessary fire drills. OMG
Unnecessary fire drills.
OMG we had that too. It was crazy. DH had to finally say BUZZ off. BM was screaming at the top of her lungs on the telephone telling HIM what HE needs to do during HIS visitation time.
LISTEN HERE BUDDY, her famous words. YOU better do this BUDDDDDDYYYYYY
Who the hell is buddy?
Get a dog and name him Buddy.
Get a dog and name him Buddy. Anytime she starts calling him Buddy summon the dog![Wink](
LOL Still learning.
LOL Still learning.
Best to disengage and let DH
Best to disengage and let DH handle the parenting. The more you act as a "buffer" and parental authority, the more it enables DH to be the "BFF" parent at your house. Sounds like he just doesn't want to deal with the BM and who can blame him, but instead of the ostrich in sand approach, he needs to get enough spine to stand up to her.
Of course there WILL be fallout but you'll just need to do the standard response:
"Oh that's a tough one, I'd hate to be in your shoes."
"If that happened to me, I'd feel the same way."
"That's interesting."
Is it annoying to see enmeshed BM treat SS like a BFF and a spousal equal? Yes. Is it annoying to see SS get spoiled, coddled and bribed beyond belief? Yes. I was nauseous at the way Chef was trying to compete with the Girhippo to see who could spoil their brats the most. I disengaged allowing Chef to come in full contact with the monsters he and the Gir had created. Only then was he able to stand on his hind legs (but very s-l-o-w-l-y as in baby steps)
Tank, Secret is correct. Bio
Tank, Secret is correct. Bio mom and Bio dad are 100percent responsible to parent their children.
Did someone tell you Tank that YOU should OR that YOU are required or that YOU YOU YOU take over for MOM now that you are a step parent.?
"Tank, can I Have a coke"?
YOU---SS, your daddy is outside please ask him.
SS-"My mom is giving me 15.00 a week for not drinking soda"
YOU-"that is GREAT, do you miss soda?. It's yucky. What ya going to do with your loot"![Smile](
SS- What are you giving me TANK for not drinking coke?
YOU- HUGS for sticking with it SS....I am very proud of you SS.
I think part of the issue is
I think part of the issue is that she also doesn't want BM anywhere around her. When DH couldn't take the kid to the Dr.... then I would have said. Ok honey.. call your wife to come get her child to take him.
It apparently was somewhat necessary since the doctor did prescribe an antibiotic. To be fair, the infection may not have been present or apparent when she dropped him off but developed while he was there... it was a recent injury.
I know OP thinks that the BM tries to intrude and control on her home too much. Unfortunately, when you have a spouse who had a child with another person, some amount of interaction is inevitable and expected. Sometimes stuff will come up that will intrude or impact the other family. Now, her DH's EX may be worse than many.. but from what I have seen.. she isn't the gosh awful worstest one out there and her DH certainly feeds the drama train himself with being passive aggressive.
I would have wanted the EX to take her own kid to the doctor if my spouse couldn't do it. Even if that meant driving to the local McD's to make the trade off... or drive to meet BM at the doctor.