Dh is hosting BM's FUNERAL at MY HOUSE!!
:jawdrop: I left dh last night with my 2 sons. They are 6 and 17, neither are dh's. We went 2 hours away to my moms house. By leave I don't mean pack everything up and move out but more like storm out kinda leave. Dh has one kid who just turned 18 and a senior in high school. I call her precious. Precious doesn't like me or my boys so she only sees her dad out of our home. He goes and takes her to dinner or her school activities. Bm was a bitch and sd is just like her. Dh was married to bm for 20 years and divorced for 7. We have been together for 5 married for 3. My boys dad never sees them and dh was going to adopt them BUT sd "suggested" he wait till we have been married 5 years before he makes a big commitment that will cost him years of child support money for my boys. I don't like precious. That almost ruined our marriage. Dh has NOT adopted my boys and whenever the topic comes up he blows it off.
Anyway, last Thursday bm was in a traffic accident that was really bad. We started getting phone calls around 9:30 while we were getting it on. It was killing the mood so I told dh to go turn it off. When he picked the phone up he freaked and threw on clothes saying he needed to get to the hospital to be with sd. Yep. He ran out in the middle of sex. He stayed all night and the next day Friday and Saturday and on Sunday SD made the decision to pull the plug. Dh was with bm and sd when bm died and held one of her hands and stroked her head. I understand how upset sd was and I feel awful for her but dh didn't need to be as upset as he was. His eyes were blood shot when he got home AND he brought sd with him!! They sat clutching each other on the couch and crying and telling stories about bm. I just stayed in my room. I did NOT want to hear that. Well On Monday night sd was still here and her and dh were making a list of food. I asked dh to speak with me privately and explained that he doesn't need to be any part of this, Sd is 18 and capable of putting something together at HER condo(hers and bm's). Dh said that they were going to follow bm's wishes and have her cremated and then a bbq instead of a funeral. I told him sd can handle it and he said no. He is having the bbq at OUR house!! ARE YOU KIDDING??? It was dh and bm's house before when they were married. I have made it mine and I pay some of the bills for this house. We fought from Monday till last night when they started bringing food for the bbq in using DH"S MONEY!!! I just took my kids and told him to have a nice fucking life and I left. He didn't try to stop me and hasn't called. The funeral bbq is tonight in MY HOUSE!!!
Am I wrong? My mom, girlfriend and sister say I an right and dh should emotionally be there for sd but not for the funeral and not paying for things.
- Taris's blog
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It is true. Sd is more than
It is true. Sd is more than capable of buying hamburgers and some buns and soda. Dh didn't need to be as involved as he is and it could have been done at bm's condo or a park.
I don't know, Morri - I mean,
I don't know, Morri - I mean, Asshat and I had three kids together and spend 13 years together. I won't be attending his funeral, let alone hosting it, and I certainly won't sit on the couch and cry with my kids when he dies.
I will feel for them, but I won't feel a thing for me.
I have tons of empathy - I
I have tons of empathy - I just wouldn't hold my adult kids while THEY grieve. If you have no problem watching your husband curled up in the fetal position with his kid while he cries his eyes out over someone that he used to married to, more power to you.
Have a nice day.
hello, bitchy sister! It's
hello, bitchy sister!
It's all about the husband's reaction, right? NO WAY would I stand for MY husband sobbing over the broad he used to be married to....no effing way.
are you for real? You would
are you for real?
You would be totally okay with your husband curled up in the fetal position sobbing over the death of his ex-wife?
crying is fine - stroking the
crying is fine - stroking the head, acting like it is your partner who died instead of the partner you used to be with, no.
I am sure your husband will be happy to watch you curled up on the couch with your kid, crying like you just lost HIM (as opposed to crying for your child's loss and there IS a difference), then hosting the wake.
Good for you.
My DSO says at least once a
My DSO says at least once a year.....I would be out by now if I had just shot the bitch on a temp insanity deal.
I was thinking his crying had
I was thinking his crying had more to do with watching his daughter be in so much pain.
What about the hand holding
What about the hand holding and head rubbing on her death bed??? :sick:
Based it what the OP posted,
Based it what the OP posted, I looks like the guy was still in love with BM. Holding her hand and rubbing her head while she died????/
He's acting just like a person who has lost a loved one.
Based on his actions, it's a good thing he didn't adopt the OP's kids.
Since the SD is only 18, dad helping her out with the funeral really is a no brainer.
SMH, I would hold a strangers
SMH, I would hold a strangers hand and rub their head if they were dying. I understand that this is stressful on OP but shi* the lady is dead, the mother of his child and no matter how shitt* someone was/is they ae still the parent of your child and your job is to help your child.
An 18 YO in 2016 isn't ready to plan a funeral by them self.
So you think I was wrong?
So you think I was wrong? What did I do wrong? And yes the sex part bothers me. I know it shouldn't but he left me to go be with bm. Wouldn't that bother you?
I think he left you to go be
I think he left you to go be with his daughter because her mother was dying...I think that trumps sex.
I guess so. It just felt so
I guess so. It just felt so weird to be getting it on to see him run out the door.
Put yourself in his
Put yourself in his shoes.
BTW, it's becoming difficult to take you seriously.
Put yourself in his
Put yourself in his shoes.
BTW, it's becoming difficult to take you seriously.
To be fair, unless she is
To be fair, unless she is physic, she didn't know the woman was going to be in a car wreck.
You are half wrong. I'm
You are half wrong. I'm guessing you haven't lost a parent you loved yet. I'll answer this as a mom and daughter who has lost a parent.
If my child called and my ex (her father) was dying I would be distraught. Not only for the person I created my children with but also for my child. There is no way I would be able to continue with sex knowing my child was hurting and upset and facing a horrible decision alone. When my father died I couldn't stop screaming. And I was 35. My sister called told me he had just been found dead of a heart attack. I started screaming and ran outside. My son was there and all I do was scream go get DH. Thank God DH works not far from home. I couldn't figure out how to use my phone. DH said he came home and I was crying uncontrollably and had to be carried in the house where I finally calmed down because I was scarring my teenagers.
I can't imagine my children facing that alone. My kids are teens but my ex came to the viewing of my father. He asked if he could come before everyone got there and pay his respects to my dad and our family. My hubby was good with that and even told him he could stay which he declined.
Your stepdaughter is about to go through the hardest time of her life and she's going to need your husband alot!
However since your daughter has her and her mother's house I do think the funeral should have been there if possible. DH could have just as easily hired her a cleaning crew come in and clean the house (i'm sure SD wouldn't have felt like it) and helped her set it up there. Your husband is her father and it is job to help her bury her mother. As her father he needs to be there to support her.
You are half wrong. I'm
You are half wrong. I'm guessing you haven't lost a parent you loved yet. I'll answer this as a mom and daughter who has lost a parent.
If my child called and my ex (her father) was dying I would be distraught. Not only for the person I created my children with but also for my child. There is no way I would be able to continue with sex knowing my child was hurting and upset and facing a horrible decision alone. When my father died I couldn't stop screaming. And I was 35. My sister called told me he had just been found dead of a heart attack. I started screaming and ran outside. My son was there and all I do was scream go get DH. Thank God DH works not far from home. I couldn't figure out how to use my phone. DH said he came home and I was crying uncontrollably and had to be carried in the house where I finally calmed down because I was scarring my teenagers.
I can't imagine my children facing that alone. My kids are teens but my ex came to the viewing of my father. He asked if he could come before everyone got there and pay his respects to my dad and our family. My hubby was good with that and even told him he could stay which he declined.
Your stepdaughter is about to go through the hardest time of her life and she's going to need your husband alot!
However since your daughter has her and her mother's house I do think the funeral should have been there if possible. DH could have just as easily hired her a cleaning crew come in and clean the house (i'm sure SD wouldn't have felt like it) and helped her set it up there. Your husband is her father and it is job to help her bury her mother. As her father he needs to be there to support her.
LOL well at least BM is outta
LOL well at least BM is outta your hair!!
Coffee splattered on screen!
Coffee splattered on screen!
That made me laugh! But now
That made me laugh! But now what happens with sd? She is 18 and a senior. She graduates at the end of May. I really hope he isn't planning on moving her in.
Where else is she supposed to
Where else is she supposed to go????
She's still in high school, so she's is still a dependent.
Besides, he has already shown you where you and your boys stand. Since he didn't try to stop you when you left and hasn't bothered to call, the writing is on the wall about this one.
I CANNOT BELIEVE that he left
I CANNOT BELIEVE that he left in the middle of sex because his daughter was in the hospital with her dying mother and needed support!!! What an ass.
The 1,000 isn't our problem.
The 1,000 isn't our problem. Dh and his ex aren't married anymore. He shouldn't of paid it.
Thanks. I am not a troll. I
Thanks. I am not a troll. I came here for help. Dh said she does have life insurance but that is all I know. She has family and friends so I don't know why it is having to be at my house.
He!! no. Not paying for BM'S
He!! no. Not paying for BM'S funeral. Most crematoriums will work with family if they have a life insurance policy since it takes a few weeks for that to process.
I don't many of the women here would be willing to pay for their ex's funeral either. That won't happen here.
Life insurance does pay out a
Life insurance does pay out a small amount immediately. I had a check for 5K in three days. Remainder was a month to get after death certificate issued.
I think Justagirl was being
I think Justagirl was being sarcastic
I hope you realize I was
She wasn't married. I am
She wasn't married. I am wanting to know if I am right? Do I have a right to be upset that he ignored my request to have it at her condo and not pay for it? What do I do now? Dh is my best friend and I don't want to loose him. What do I do?
Can you explain more because
Can you explain more because I don't see completely where I am wrong. I do feel for sd I just think dh was wrong in all of this. Should I be okay with this at my house and dh using his money for his ex wife's funeral?
Stop being jealous of a dead
Stop being jealous of a dead woman, this is about helping his daughter!
there is helping - as in
there is helping - as in supporting and comforting - and then there is sobbing, curled up in each other's arms on the couch not helping.
If your best friend lost
If your best friend lost their ex husband you would pack up and leave? That is what you just did to the person you call your ex husband.
SOMEONE who just happens to be a very important someone to his child has died and all you think about it you. I am very rarely left speechless but you're a piece of work and I wouldn't want you to come home. In the middle of all that he is going through he has to deal with you? I'd be thanking God you left.
Although I agree with Gimlet,
Although I agree with Gimlet, I will bite.
Your DH is helping out his daughter. If you don't like it you have every right to be angry, take your kids and leave him. He isn't going to not be there emotionally for his kid because you don't like it. It is an an unfortunate event for his kid, and also a one time event as she only had one mother.
If you keep your lack of empathy act of, then chances are that after all is said and done, he will resent you and end the relationship.
I think some women for the most part want validation that they are right in a relationship stance. The reality is that you can be right in your mind all you want, but it doesn't mean that he won't do what he wants or be angry at you and divorce.
As for the leaving during sex thing. So what you are telling me is that you thought that your dh would still be aroused after finding out his daughter is alone and has to make decisions for her dieing mother. You are some kind of special in that you care more about your sexual needs.
*Mofo peeks her head in, says
*Mofo peeks her head in, says "nope" and then backs out slowly...*
Cock a doodle doo!
Cock a doodle doo! }:)
Scaredy cat
Scaredy cat
Please don't turn my blog
Please don't turn my blog into a joke fest. I am not being rude or mean. I would really like advice and help on what to do.
Please don't turn my blog
Please don't turn my blog into a joke fest. I am not being rude or mean. I would really like advice and help on what to do.
I think you may have just
I think you may have just given yourself away, if not, sorry.
I don't understand your post.
I don't understand your post. I have been here a while just haven't posted. I know what some people do.
The being upset about him
The being upset about him leaving during sex to be with his grief-stricken daughter just rubbed me the wrong way.
Honestly, I wouldn't want BM's funeral in my home either.
What to do depends on what
What to do depends on what you want from DH. If you expect him to ditch his grieving child then your an idiot and you need to stay at your mother's house.
If you love him and want to help him then you need to be willing to help his grieving child. Go home apologize to both of them. Then help your DH find your SD a grief counselor. Expect SD to stay with you and DH. Don't expect an 18 year old child who is still in high school and just lost her mother to go home to an empty house alone.
Even if she is 18 she is still a teenager, grieving, and never lived on her own. Have some compassion and help her!
OP - you have every right to
OP - you have every right to feel how you're feeling.
however... this is a one-time deal. my opinion is, dont fight it. people grieve differently, including your dh who shared a life with her for 20 years, and he shouldnt have to hide it from you - he also has every right to feel how he's feeling. let it happen - you can stay where u're at, or you can go home and have a burger and think that it's tragic for anyone to die like that, or you can go home and stay in your room. those are pretty much your options. i would stay away, but that's just me. but i wouldnt fight it.
^^^^THIS^^^^ It's not like he
It's not like he is holding a monthly funeral for this poor woman. ONCE is all you have to put up with if he has your mean as* back. I'd kick it to the curb.
^^^^THIS^^^^ It's not like he
It's not like he is holding a monthly funeral for this poor woman. ONCE is all you have to put up with if he has your mean as* back. I'd kick it to the curb.
^^^^THIS^^^^ It's not like he
It's not like he is holding a monthly funeral for this poor woman. ONCE is all you have to put up with if he has your mean as* back. I'd kick it to the curb.
Sd was very happy to tell me
Sd was very happy to tell me how dh held her moms hand and stroked her head as she died.
i'd take it then with a grain
i'd take it then with a grain of salt. she could be flat-out lying just to piss you off, or exagerating. either one is possible.
Dh was sitting right there.
Dh was sitting right there. He didn't deny it. They were telling me and my oldest the story of her death. We had to sit there and not cheer.
"We had to sit there and not
"We had to sit there and not cheer."
UGH, these are the kind of comments that make me :? :O
How did their relationship
How did their relationship end??? Did BM him? Since he ended up with the home, I'm assume she left him.
SD sharing that info about how dad acted while mom was dying, leads me to believe she knows that her dad still loves her mom.
(No subject)
Who cares??? The lady is
Who cares??? The lady is dead.
I don't think the problem is
I don't think the problem is the support he is showing his kid, I think the issue is the head stroking, sobbing profusely and all that with the BM.
Trust me, I won't be stroking Asshat's head and I doubt his wife would appreciate it if I did.
Can't imagine you will be stroking your ex-husband's head, either.
I can see your point, but
I can see your point, but where were BM's parents? Did she have any siblings? Life long friends??
THOSE are the people who should be modeling.
SD stroking her mother's head - totally normal.
Ex-spouse doing that? Nope.
I totally agree with Mustang.
I totally agree with Mustang.
please pass the wine Oh,
please pass the wine
Oh, wait, I am work. Damn job.
Oops, I forgot that wasn't
Oops, I forgot that wasn't allowed. Lol.
You need to stop making a
You need to stop making a mockery of peoples' blogs!!
Yes ma'am, but I didn't mean
Yes ma'am, but I didn't mean to upset you so much that you had to ask four times.
Damn it! I can't drink! On
Damn it! I can't drink! On antibiotics. Somebody put on the kettle and get me some Rooibos tea...
Damn it! I can't drink! On
Damn it! I can't drink! On antibiotics. Somebody put on the kettle and get me some Rooibos tea...
I'm hoping on my broom right
I'm hoping on my broom right now, Sally! Hopefully, with the time change I'll make it there before you head to bed.
(No subject)
So most of you feel I am
So most of you feel I am wrong. Okay. I can accept that. Should I go back and be there for the bbq? Do I apologize to dh or just pretend nothing happened? How do I make sure our relationship is okay? How do I get rid of this anger I have at this situation??
I know, right? I have to go
I know, right?
I have to go out now....
oh no, I meant out of the
oh no, I meant out of the conversation!
I WISH I could "go out" now
After this thread, I need a drink
From experience, an 18 year
From experience, an 18 year old cannot emotionally handle hosting a funeral or BBQ/service on their own.....
If there is no one else there for her, then he needs to be. It's not like BM requested his help.
So sorry, was getting the
So sorry, was getting the backend errors again.
Here's the positive in the
Here's the positive in the situation :
BM is gone.
You have an opportunity to show that you are a woman of grace and compassion.
You can do your best to imagine yourself in DH'S place. You would be there for your kids.
Get through the service, and bbq. Then, focus on your marriage.
You can role model compassion for your kids.
You have the perfect reason to overindulge in alcohol.
I'm not saying that I wouldn't flip if DH was crying over BM but that wouldn't happen here. Just trying to throw put some positives since you want to save your marriage.
I would give a pass on the
I would give a pass on the sex thing. His grieving does not sound like grieving for sd. After so many years apart bm should have had a support system/family to be relied on as far as the funeral. No way in holy hell would bm's family invade my home. But if dh insisted on it I'd bite my tongue for the moment. Go back and claim your home. After the funeral I would watch and see dh's grieving process. If he were still at it after a few weeks I'd leave because it would be apparent to me that he should not have married me to begin with if he were still so attached to another woman. Also would be apparent he will put ad above his wife's needs and willing to make decisions that would shake our marriage in order to do so. I am curious as to how u know he held bm's hand and stroked her head.
I can't be bothered to read
I can't be bothered to read the 90 some comments above mine, so I'm just putting in my 2 cents regardless of what anyone else has said.
People are different and show different emotions. I am one of those people that gets upset when ANYONE dies, much less someone that I know, even if I didn't like them. I LOATHE both BMs. They are losers of the highest order and have done nothing but screw skids up and make DH's life hell. But if one of them died? I can honestly say I would be sad. Sad that someone died and sad for skid. I mean I can't imagine losing my mother... especially at 18 years old. This girl's world has been turned upside down. You make it sounds like this big "shock" that DH actually brought SD home with him. WTF was he supposed to do? Send her off on her way to go home to an empty house by herself... HER MOTHER JUST DIED!
I actually get annoyed with my DH when he says things like he wishes BMs would die.
I really think you need to have some sympathy here. The woman is dead... why are you acting jealous? Who cares if there is a BBQ at your house for her? I honestly think you are making yourself look like an ass by not being there.. but that is just my opinion and again, I tend to be quite emotional about these things.
I didn't read your entire
I didn't read your entire post, and I didn't read the above responses. This is what I have to say...
My SS's BM is a GIGANTIC PIECE OF SHIT. HUGE. SS lives with us full time and doesn't want much to do with her. HOWEVER... if she were to die today (which, with her lifestyle it is quite possible) he would be devastated. Completely heartbroken. That is his mom after all. And because he would be devastated, as would DH... and I.
IF this is a true story, and you are really the heartless person you are coming across as, my suggestion if you love your husband at all, would be to load your kids back in to your car and hightail it back home with a HUGE apology.
This is another human life you are talking about here. It's not like she lost her favorite pair of shoes.
Show a little grace woman. For goodness sake, you sound like an idiot.
I don't think anyone has a
I don't think anyone has a problem with dad being there for SD, I think the issue, at least for me, is the reaction from dad.
I mean, when your BM dies, your husband will not stroke her head as she is dying, nor will he come home and curl up on the couch with SS reminiscing over all the "good times", and I highly doubt he would host a bbq in her memory in your home.
THAT is the part I would take issue with.
I would feel horrible for my kids, but other than that? Nope.
I don't know. He would
I don't know. He would probably do whatever SS needed at that point. Even if it meant telling stories from the "good ol' days". And you all know how much I LOATH BM, I think I would let him. He would cry, he would cry FOR SS, not because he would miss BM. He would cry because the choices she made in her life lead her to that (assuming she didn't die of natural causes). It would be sad. For SS, and when he is sad, I am sad.
That is the difference
That is the difference between maturity and immaturity. It's not a matter of age.
There is a quality of person which emerges at times of stress. Kudos to both you and your mother.
I'll be the dissenting voice
I'll be the dissenting voice here. SS30 is a weak little alcoholic sniveling. He would go to pieces if BM died.
But that would not be my problem at all. Of course DH could go comfort SS - but SS would not be allowed to come here. Nor would any kind of BM life celebration take place at my home UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Nor would a penny of money be spent on BM or SS.
Of course my backstory has some other twists to it. When OSS died BM held the funeral out of state and DID NOT NOTIFY DH. BM and her swine offspring can all go rot in hell.
I think your situation is a
I think your situation is a bit different... your SS is a 30 year old man. This is an 18 year old who just lost her mother.
I think living in the
I think living in the house(having sex in the same room that husband and mom had sex :sick: :sick: )would bother me much more than some pictures.
I think living in the
I think living in the house(having sex in the same room that husband and mom had sex :sick: :sick: )would bother me much more than some pictures.
The funeral home will have
The funeral home will have one but it costs. When my DH died, I could only afford cremation, he had already said to do it, the main cost was the urn and using the funeral home for 1.5 hours. He had some life insurance, but not a lot so it was manageable for me.
After reading everyone's
After reading everyone's responses I see that I am being childish and immature. Thank you for the advice. I called dh and we talked a bit. I am heading home for the bbq celebration of life. Sometimes you need outside advice other than immediate family and friends who will just be on your side. I am still angry deep down in my gut though. I feel disrespected and I don't know, maybe hopeless. Part of me feels mad and bitter and the other part feels sad. I've never felt like this before so I can't quite put my finger on it. Thanks for the butt kicking.
GOOD. it's perfectly ok to
GOOD. it's perfectly ok to feel disrespected and hopeless and mad and bitter and sad all at once. i dont think your dh ever intended to cause that, but it happened.
i rarely advocate "putting up", but i think this time calls for it. that's very gracious of you. dont rock the boat for now, just take it one day at a time for a few weeks and see how things settle - then you can decide if any action needs to be taken.
Leaving to support SD?
Leaving to support SD? Acceptable
Leaving in the midst of sex? Still acceptable
Stroking the head of an ex while she is dying? Not acceptable
Showing grief or possibly empathizing with SD? Acceptable
Sobbing your guts out over your ex? Not acceptable
Offering to help/support SD with her mom's funeral? Acceptable
Making sure it happens at your WIFE'S house? NOT ACCEPTABLE
OP, I don't think this guy is your best friend as you state. I don't think ANY of us would treat their best friend in such a heinous, disrespectful way.
Couldn't agree with you more!
Couldn't agree with you more!
Said this all day yesterday and got my head bit off.
Hang on to yours, misStep
Just make sure if sd wants to
Just make sure if sd wants to move in you and your dh are in agreement about everything. If the two of you aren't then it does not happen. Talk about expectations about sd working, school, house rules, and finally launching. Let him know parenting out of guilt won't be tolerated in the future and your wants and needs DO count. Therapy to figure out if/why he was so emotionally attached to another woman while married to you and to possibly cope with his grief and become a true partner to you who will value your opinion. Good luck
Just starting at the first
Just starting at the first 'unusual' event in sequence.
Let's set the scene: So, you're in the middle of fooling around with husband, phone is going off. It was annoying and you guys weren't that 'busy,' so you told him to turn it off. He realizes it was about his ex dying in the hospital and that his kid is there and wants him to join her.
So instead of continuing with the naked games, he say, "Oh, looks like BM is dying and I need to go support SD at the hospital." He gets dressed and leaves.
You guys don't discuss this? You don't offer to go with him? You don't talk to him throughout the evening? You just what... grunt and roll over?
she is, doll. she said
I'm glad you are seeing
I'm glad you are seeing things a little different. My first reaction to your post was "where is the compassion?" My ex and I remained friendly after our divorce. We couldn't live together mostly due to his drinking and I am much better off and happier with my current DH. However, I dread the day I hear my ex passed (he is 8 years older than I). I know I will cry my eyes out. He was a very important part of my life as was his family who I loved and still think about at times. When my best friend's ex husband died, she was puzzled that she was depressed and cried for a month. People have to grieve even if they can't understand why they feel that way. Let them.
1. You feel YOUR kids with
1. You feel YOUR kids with another man are entitled to be adopted by your now DH, but on the flip side, you don't seem to give two sh!ts about his DD going thru a traumatic event.
You are worried she may have to come and live in her childhood home? Right now, she and your DH are taking things one minute at a time.
2. So if it was your 17yo and you had been in a horrible accident, he would be able to plan and pay and host a funeral with you bc he is 17 after all (17 and 18 are only different in 1 way, one number is bigger). I guess the 6yo could get a paper route and pitch in too.
3. They were married for 20 years and you are living in the house the ex previously lived in. I was married for 20 years before my DH passed away. MY DSO lives in my house. Guess what???? He don't like my rules, he can go get his own place to live and he has full custody of his 15yo girl. I also keep in touch with my former in laws so my DSO can just suck it.
4. If my DSO ever got mad at me for running to help when my adult kids are faced with a traumatic experience, he can go suck it again. Remember that when you get a call from your 17yo and you have to rush to help him in some way, your things may be out on the lawn bc that is basically what you are doing right now.
I'd have more than a snit fit
I'd have more than a snit fit if my DH had anything to do with BM - dead or alive. I went ballistic when we first started dating when he stopped by to visit BM. He'd moved to the city that BM and I lived in after being gone for a decade. He drove MY car to go see her. Ballistic does not adequately describe my reaction to that sh*t.
BM and DH had been divorced for decades. Their marriage was only a short marriage of convenience because she got knocked up. He was married to another woman for almost 2 decades.
But I don't care. No man I am involved with is going to go "visit" a woman he used to have regular sex with. It's not jealousy or insecurity - it's just common sense.
Again - not insecurity. Just
Again - not insecurity. Just a realization that that one does not have to pay attention to/give importance to/spend time on anyone who is just a blip on one's life.
Since I am almost 70 20 years
Since I am almost 70 20 years is just a blip for me. My ex is just a non-entity to me. I'll be honest - anyone that I knew 40 years ago is just meaningless to me.