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YSS and jobs and being responsible

TheAccidentalSM's picture

YSS19 lost his last job. I had a blog about it in February. Basically, he doesn't like the boring stuff and doesn't concentrate. We told him to take a notebook and make notes on all the processes he's taught but of course that doesn't happen. (And seriously, I make ever new starter in my team do this so its reasonable)

DH has had a big sit down with him to explain that this is completely unacceptable and that he needs to find and stick with a new job. YSS19 promised to change his ways.

To be fair to YSS, he has been job hunting with a vengance. He had 5 interviews last week and got two offers. His first day at the job he accepted was today.

This sound like a good news skid story, doesn't it? Well don't get to disappointed, there is always a cloud with every silver lining....

He arrived at his new job and had an epileptic fit. A really bad one. He was taken to hospital this morning at about 10am GMT and is still waiting to be discharged. At this point in the tale you might be starting to feel a little sorry for him - Along the lines of "Poor kid, its not his fault he has an illnes". Well don't!

Turns out when DH gets to the hospital to see how he's doing at about 11am that YSS19 has confessed to the doctors that he hasn't been taking his meds properly. DH is beyond pissed. This is a direct quote "Seriously unhappy with him now over this selfish behaviour".

YSS19 knows that he has fits if he doesn't take his meds
He also knows that he can kiss the new job good bye. He will have scared the hell out of his employers. His fits are very dramatic.
He also knows that he is supposed to be going snowboarding with us at the weekend. I don't see how we can let him go. It is way too dangerous to be going on chairlifts unless he is fit free.

He is a adult. He needs to take responsibility for his illness. If he was a toddler we could supervise the meds like you have to supervise brushing teeth and other basic stuff. But its not our job anymore.

Rant over! Thanks for listening/reading


TheAccidentalSM's picture

No ADA here though we do have other disability laws.

Since it was the first day and he didn't even make it past the first morning, DH and I are pretty sure that they'll withdraw the offer. They do have to make reasonable accommodation but its fairly easy to come up with reasons why they still can't make the role available to him. I think if he'd made it past the first day or even the first morning it might be different. But look at it from the employers point of view - their new hire didn't even make it coffee break before being taken to hospital. They don't know YSS so they have no idea how frequently or infrequently the fits happen.

But maybe you are right and it'll turn out ok.