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Pathetic BM

TheBrightSide's picture

Its BM's week to have SD8. (History: during their 10 year marriage, BM didn't drive..fear and laziness. DH drove BM everywhere) . She's driving now and has gotten better since the separation with getting around on her own.

Its cold/snowy here with very icy roads. SD8's school bus didn't show this morning. BM calls DH to pick up SD8 and drive her to school. When he gets there to pick up SD8, BM asks him to drive her to work as well. He said no.

I asked him why didn't BM just drive SD8 herself. DH said he was glad to drive her as he wanted to ensure that SD8 was safe getting to school.

I'm so very thankful he said no to BM. I'm thankful he no longer considers her his responsibility.


Conflicted's picture

He should absolutely NOT be driving that woman around.... tell her to find a new man that wants to cater to her every whim!

doglover1's picture

unbeleivable BMS!! Once when my h was driving SD8 to BMs house . She calls and asks him to pick her up breakfast!!! The brass overies on this chick! 9I know I spelled that wrong) He didnt do it.

melis070179's picture

Thats the kinda crap my exH does...I never do it of course. But he'd do it for me in a heartbeat.

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

October8's picture

Our BM had the nerve to ask my H for a car to "drive the baby" around in.... Isn't that funny. My H was concerned, until I reminded him that she was just a s able as anyone to GET A JOB and BUY her own car.... WHen I think about it I still feel disgusted, they were never even married.....

sugspc's picture

I totally understand! Our BM pulls the same crap. Calls my H to see if he could pick her up some beer and cigs while getting the girls for the weekend! She's nursing a baby she had less then a month ago!! WTF?? He said no.