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Thanks BM

TheWicked's picture

This morning DH got a forever long email from BM. In a nutshell she said she was giving 'legal, written notice' of the following:

-we keep her from her children and that is unforgivable
-I have put the skids on an inhumane diet
-I force the skids out of the house because I am a bitch
-DH refuses to accept that SS18 NEEDS another year of high school
-because of high school issue DH is a total asshat of a parent
-I have sexually embarrassed SS10 and he will now be a pervert
-SS10 will not only be a pervert but will engage in such deranged acts he will have to be imprisoned after he does something that will bring us so much shame she must tell us now that she will NEVER be legally liable for his perversions

To which I say:

-get a job and pay for the expense of them traveling 3 states away to see you
-agree to see them more than once a year and then bitch and moan until DH changes the flights so they can come back early
-2 skids are obese according to doctor. They still get junk food as diet is a process. Making them eat dinner with a veggie and a salad and eating fruit instead of chips at lunch is not inhumane. No soda is not inhumane.
-Yes EVERYONE in household must be active each day. Bike ride, walking, hard play at the park or go to the gym. This includes DH and myself. Everyone needs to burn off calories and energy. No one is ever locked out of the house or forced to do anything beyond their abilities. The skids actually like it 99% of the time.
-SS18 does not need the pressure of another year of HS. Frankly, I support his getting his GED and moving on. Yes, he has trouble in school but your bitchy calls to school and threatening emails to teachers cause about 90% of the issues. Also, perhaps, you telling him repeatedly that he is 'retarded' is an issue.
-Yeah DH is not putting up with that school shit anymore

-OK here's the 'sexual embarrassment' story:
We moved to this area last summer. This spring the whole area was completely covered with weeds that have purple flowers on them. BD14 broke out in a horrid rash all over her feet. Super itchy, red, welts, the works. I take her to doctor. Doc says it is the weeds. Avoid weeds. He says the problem is they have a super sticky oil that is hard to get off skin. We need to scrub with a washcloth full of Dawn dish detergent then cover in calamine lotion and take anti-histamines.

Go home tell skids to stay away from weeds and show them BD rash. I treat BD and next day she is 10,000 times better. Then that Friday SS10 comes home covered in rash with letter from school nurse. She says scrub with Dawn, calamine, anti-histamines. So DH tells skid to bathe. I tell DH he needs to wash under fingernails and wash all bedding.
Saturday skid is WAY worse. I ask DH did he bathe? Well I told him to...URGH! So I go get all of skids laundry and tell DH to oversee bath. I go into skid's room to strip bed. No sign of DH, shower is running but it sounds like no showering is happening. I open door and skid is dancing around fully clothed as shower runs.
I am PISSED. Now I fully know I did not handle this the best way...I grab skid, strip him, stick him under shower and scrub him with soapy washcloth. I scrub under his nails. Rinse really well then cover him in calamine lotion. I washed all bedding and clothing in hot water and gave him anti-histamines twice. Tell DH if not better in the morning he is to take him to walk in care.
Sunday morning guess what? Skid is a million times better. Says he feels so much better and it is barely itchy. DH says great. I say, gee shouldn't we talk about that is why we shower and wash our clothes? To be healthy, smell good, and feel good? DH says oh, yeah... and of course, no talk.

That was a little over 2 weeks ago so I suppose the bee in her bonnet is that skids didn't want to talk to her last night. Sure, I should have let DH handle the rash issue but I am so sick of him just telling them to do something, they never do it, and DH is like, I told them to. They are kids! You have to micromanage until they get it! All you had to do is smell him! You would have known he didn't wash! The kid was COVERED in rash!


TheWicked's picture

She does that all the freaking time! And then tells DH how this and that is illegal. All caps with stars at the top of the email **************THIS IS WRITTEN LEGAL NOTICE***************

I'll be honest, I snort a lot when BM is the subject of discussion.

misSTEP's picture

LOL. Sometimes don't you just WANT them to take you to court?? Just so the judge can see the idiocy of what you have to deal with?

Glassslipper's picture

oh to be a fly on the wall, reminds me of the court hearing for CS when BM actually used white out to cover all the numbers on her paycheck. LMAO
And when the judge asked her how much she makes and hour, she said "I don't know"
And when he asked why she used white out to cover up the information they were there to review, she said "I don't know"

misSTEP's picture

One of the many times BM took DH to court, they put her on the stand. Not exactly sure why but whatever.

The judge asked her if she worked. She said yes, part-time (the HORROR!!). He asked WHERE she worked. She flat out said to the judge, "I do not see how that is relevant to this hearing." Her lawyer sunk down in his chair and looked like he wanted to disappear. Hahahahaha!

Who goes to a court room and tells the judge what questions he can or cannot ask??

Glassslipper's picture

No soda is not inhumane
No soda is not inhumane
No soda is not inhumane

Exactly! I tell my kids and skids all the time! Have some water, too dull? add some ice to it! or warm it up and make tea, Water is great! Have some juice.

NO SODA! Its a treat, not a daily drink!

TheWicked's picture

Yes! BM never, ever cooks. She microwaves from a box. For some reason she seems to really hung up on, and SUPER pissed, that I cook. So the diet thing is constant. SS12 was not allowed to have a slurpee AND a soda in same day so he called BM to whine. BM then called DH to rant and rave that I was keeping SS from 'enjoying childhood'! WTF?

ChokinOnLemonz's picture

No slurpees and cokes together? Salad??? Exercise???!!!

You monster!!!

A good mother would know kids need slurpees to rinse down McDonalds and candy. And a coke to rinse down the chips and twinkies for dessert. Duh! And a little weeping, festering rash does the body good! Why exercise outside, if you'd only stop meddling he would get all the activity he needs scratching his hives.

Maxwell09's picture

The only thing worse than a high conflict BM is a really ignorant, stupid, high conflict BM. I agree Ignore that freaking whore or just send back LOL, that would really get her goat.