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Punishment delt to SD17

TickedOff's picture

SD17 got all the garbage she stuffed in the air conditioner machine closet dumped or her bed. She lost everything in her room but the bed including the door. For the next 6 months she can forget about allowance to pay off the repair bill.
Of Course she had some lame excuse that she stuffed it in there to vacuum the hallway and forgot about it. Sorry sweetheart I am not boo boo the fool. She never picked up a vacuum in her life. Of course she tried crying to DH saying I am punishing her out of hate for her. No sweetheart that will not work here. I don't hate her I care and that is what punishment is for to learn. She is going to college soon if her roommate finds a bag of used pads on top of new ones and garbage everywhere she will be embarrassed as hell. It’s time to stop being a pig and grow up. DH thinks I am being too harsh but if it were him standing there when the repair man opened the closet he would understand how mad I am. That was so embarrassing for me. She should be embarrassed she is a young woman and young women are clean and discreet.


RedWingsFan's picture

Sounds like a great punishment to me. Let her cry and let DH whine about you being too harsh - so what right?

steppystep's picture

I honestly thing this isn't going to teach her anything-if she doesn't know the basics by 17, she'll probably never learn. She should have been taught a long time ago. Now it's too late, and it's really sad that young girls end up thinking and behaving like that.

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

I hope you took some pictures of what she did. Pictures really do speak for themselves!! I think what you did is perfect! Yep, it woulda been good had someone taught her better manners when she was younger-- but theres no way to change the past-- but ya sure Can change the Now!! I applaud your punishment!!! Punishments are not meant to be enjoyable- they are to be a uncomfortable so you learn a lesson and dont repeat the offense again!!

Yay to you for Not being afraid to be a Parent!!!!!! Make her pay back every cent of that repair bill!!! Im sure you can find lots of things around the house that she could do as extra chores to help pay it back. Good. For. You!!!!!

stepmonster_2011's picture

So - please don't take this too harshly - because the garbage thing is truly nasty and SD needs to learn, but when the heater/AC didn't work, did you NOT even look at it to try and figure out if there was something going on with it before calling the repairman?

I mean I don't know much about mine - but I know enough to check to see if there is power and gas to the furnace before making the call.

She is totally gross, for sure.

TickedOff's picture

TBH I didn't even think about that. I know I'm ditzy and I always leave that stuff to DH who was gone on buisness. I admit it I'm ditzy what more can I say. Just don't wack me in the head over it. I'm sure everyone has their moments.

TickedOff's picture

LOl well dtzyblnd I'm glad I'm not alone. Now I have a word for it. 'mechanically impaired'. Everyone knows no to ask me to fix anything because it will probably come back more broken than it was before lol.