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SD15 Pregnant?

TickedOff's picture

I'm still pissed about the vandalism but my mind is on something else right now. I found a note in SD15s garbage can saying……

“ Daddy I'm sorry I hope you will still love me. I made a big mistake and I think I'm pregnant. Please don't hate me. I did it with ___ and I know you hate him and we didn't use a condom cause it kept falling off but he tried to pull out. I haven't had my period for 2 months and I'm scared. Please don't kick me out cause you said if we ever got pregnant you and TickedOff won't raise it. I'm sorry daddy please don’t stop loving me. I'm sorry”.

Now I'm playing the waiting game. I called DH to rush home from work and I think we may end up pulling SD15 out of school early so we can sit down and talk about this. I'm shaking in my boots right now. I pray to God in heaven that this was just an April fool’s prank she decided not to do or something. If she is pregnant I just don't know. BM is in jail so it would be up to DH and me to help her. I feel like I'm about to fucking faint right now.


StepMomTaxi's picture

Wow. That is more information that I would have put in the note if I was in her position at that age.

I wouldnt be able to wait until she got out of school today either. What is DHs reaction?

TickedOff's picture

Me too that's why I think fingers cross it could have been an april fools prank or something and she dicided not to go through with it and threw the note away.

PeanutandSons's picture

Hopefully it was an ill thought out April fools joke she decided not to do. You'd think at 15 she would buy a hpt and confirm before she told her dad.

StepMomTaxi's picture

Right?! I would buy a bunch of them and make sure before telling anyone. Wel,, here's to hoping it really was just an April Fools joke.

TickedOff's picture

I don't know if she took a pregnancy test or not the not didn't say if she did or not so I don't know.I'm just trying to stay postive. I just want this to all be a joke. I'm waiting to hear DH pull up he should be here any minute now. Please let this be a joke.

oldone's picture

If she is pregnant her dad needs to assure her that he does not hate her, he still loves her, but that you WILL NOT raise this baby for her.

If she chooses to have a baby the child deserves to have a fair chance at a good life - not a 15 year old moron for a mother.

RedWingsFan's picture

OMFG I'm shaking FOR you! I do hope that it was all just a joke or if she is sexually active (I was at that age, and SD lost her virginity last year at age 13, so it's very possible), that she's gotten her period and the pregnancy scare was enough to scare her straight into abstinence or extremely safe sex.

Either way, please post an update and try to remain as calm as possible. Maybe drink some chamomile tea or take a quick drive or run around the block to keep your nerves at bay. I know when I'm overly anxious about something, I get in my truck, turn the music up as loud as it'll go and just drive without the intention of going anywhere specific.

Good luck. I'll be crossing my fingers for you!

sandy1234's picture

Did it end up being a joke, her being pregnant, or the note being serious but then she found out she wasn't? Tell us asap!!'s picture

I pray to God this isn't true- what a nightmare. I honestly would go take some me time bc I would b so freaking irate. Life is so unfair sometimes- Let us know what happens

StubbornEnough's picture

My Middle Daughter is a teen mom, and doing an excellent job. The general public is hard enough on these girls, they need love and support from their parents. It is a scary place to be for a teen. Either way, you guys need to get her on some reliable B/c. If she isn't pregnant, get her on B/C right away.