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SD18 stole over 800 dollars worth of goods from us

TickedOff's picture

I'm just disgusted. DH let her stop by to see SD16's baby. I was at work and told DH I wanted her gone by the time I get home. When I got home I noticed my kindle fire and charger that where on my dresser plugged in are missing. DH and I looked everywhere SD16 willingly let us check all of her stuff and she has been home with DH and the baby all day and DD has been at a friend's house. DH didn't want to believe it but we checked to see if anything else went missing. At the end of the day he tucks his wallet in the back of his dresser the wallet was emptied out to the tune of 216 dollars and clothes had clearly been moved around. Some jewelry is missing out of my box. Two pairs of shoes and a hand bag is missing along with an expensive dress DH got me as a gift. I asked DH if she had a big bag with her. He said she had her rolling backpack with her. Who needs their backpack with them on a Sunday? DH why are you so clueless. He was probably sittiing back watching football oblivious to the rest of the damn world. DH drove over to BM's sister's house to confront SD because I would have not been able to hold back from beating the living crap out of both of them the second they opened their mouths and started trash talking. DH said SD was clearly intoxicated and denying everything. They wouldn't let him in. He believes both SD and her aunt are abusing drugs. I called the cops to report a theft. They told me they have to have probable cause to arrest her like one of saying we actually saw her take the stuff. They did take our statements and told me their will be in an investigation and the attorney or something will have to decide if there is a case. Does this sound right? I thought they would have to go and check their place and see if they find my stolen property or do they need a warrant and all of that? I'm so pissed right now you don't even fucking know. I want to throw up, cry and punched the hell out of something. DH wants to put her in rehab and get her help. I want her to pay for what she did and get my things back and then we can talk about getting her help. I fucking told you I an never have freaking happiness in my life without a sh*t storm. I'm trying to hold it together tapping my feet real hard trying to stop myself from driving over there and getting my sh*t back myself or getting my own justice. I know its not right but I am so f*Cking pissed off!


TickedOff's picture

Thanks foxie I was to pissed to reply earlier but as soon as I read this I went on amazon took my card information off and changed it to a gift card with no money on it and changed my password and changed the password to all my emails.

JustAgirl42's picture

:jawdrop: I would be LIVID and not able to do anything until it was resolved!! I can't believe the cops can't go there and check out the place. She had a SUITCASE with her! By the time they would be able to get a warrant the stuff could be gone.

I'm so sorry this happened to you...don't EVER let her in your house again!!

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

Yes shut down anything with your credit card tied to it. The police should be able to question her as she was at your residence when the theft occurred. Did they mention anything like that? They do need a warrant to just go and search someone's house but they can talk to her.

Lalena75's picture

Stay on the cops and the DA, push them to investigate that since she was the ONLY person in and out of the home of course she stole it then start a civil case you don't need the cops for that and sue her for the amount of stolen goods and cash and court fees.

oneoffour's picture

Is there a GPS in a Kindle Fire? Or something like that where it can be traced?

Report the theft to your insurance company. They will make sure they get some answers from the police.

Do you have a friend who has a son or daughter who can follow her for a few days and see where she goes?

TickedOff's picture

Yeah I filed a report and there is going to be an investigation pfffft yeaaaaah! DH got a nasty text from BM's sister asking how dare he let me send the cops to their house so I guess the police did go question them.

Rags's picture

Call the police and put her ass in jail. I have zero tolerance for this kind of crap. From now on SD18 needs the clear message that if she ever sets foot on your property again she will be shot as a home invader... then do it!!!!

Double tap, center mass, end of problem.


IMHO of course.