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This weekend will be lose/lose

tofurkey's picture

Skid weekend on Saturday. I will have two choices for this lovely little visit

a.) Go fishing with DH and his kid, brothers, brother's kids, and SIL. (I actually really love to go fishing when it's not with people who drive me nuts) Not be able to get in a word to DH because kid will inevitably interupt me at every attempt. Listen to her whine, cry and throw tantrums the whole time and here the "daaaaaaadddyyyy helppp i'm ssoooo scarreddd" when she finally does catch something and is terrified of a fish.


b.) Sit at MIL's house with her, be force fed pics and videos of DH's daughter that i've seen about a hundred times, listen to stories of her that i've heard about a million times and probably have to hear her talk on speakerphone with BM.

Ahhh, decisions decisions.


beebusdriver93's picture

LOL...sorry I shouldn't laugh but you sound so much like me....but mine is OMG...time to come home at the end of the day and hear her voice...ummmm hey dad...dadddy....can I...can this person go with us or spend the night...ummm dad can I ...I love you daddy.....make me sick!!!Hell sometimes I think he is having a relationship with his child and not me...seen her hate to have other kids be near him or play with him so she sits on his lap...then once he put her beside him on the sofa she threw her leg up on his ...omg I dont even get to do that...

tofurkey's picture

Grrrr yes I understand. If me and DH go into the living room to sit in the recliner together she will find every way she can to squeeze herself in a spot that hurts and get right in his face, then it's uncomfortable with 3 people on there so then i move, she gets a huge grin on her face and keeps chanting over and over "i looooveee my daddyyyy, i loooveee my ddaddddyyy." Then it's:

Skid: "dadddddyyyy, i want some dessert"
DH: "not right now, wait until everyone else is ready."
Skid: "but ddddddadddyyyyy i want it NOW"
DH: "I said not now, we are going to wait for everyone."
Skid: throwing herself on the floor, crying screaming, jumping up and down "Dadddddd that's nottttt faiiirrrrrrr. I said I want it NOW it's nottttt FAIIRRRRR. I NEEVVERRRR get what I wanttttt ddadddyy."

Yeah right kid. And i'm a unicorn.

bleh. makes me grit my teeth writing it. lol

beebusdriver93's picture

Well she doesn't do those kinds of fits....YET! "Holding my breath" but she will ask him for something that I told her 30 mins ago she couldnt thought would be have you ask already...cause he knows how she is...but nope he will say maybe this time no...she will say only 2 (cookies for example) he says no not right now...she says but I havent had any yet and on and on and on she goes till he gives her what she wants to shut her big ass I come home....after numerous times telling all 3 kids in this house....your stuff is for your room not to throw around in the living it goes in your room not this living room...i come home you open the door 2 pairs of her shoes...on the recliner is a pair of her nasty flip flops and a bag of hers....that is it no one elses stuff is in here but if the 2 other children in this home know what the rules are then I know damn well she does to..she just wants to push me...i want to take all of it put it away in my room for a week until she understands that I told you over and over and I am not telling you no more..but her dad would have a cow!

tofurkey's picture

Yeah, she will pull that crap on me from time to time too. Especially with GUM. I always have it, and she knows it. But I will only give her one piece. No matter that she knows this, she will always run to daddy and cry that I don't give her more. She will ask me for a piece, I will give it to her and tell her that's it. She will say "NO, I WANT TWO!" Again, I will say "No, you only get one piece, I will not give you two."

Then she will run crying "dadddddddddyyyyyyyyy tofu will only give me one piece of gum and MYYYYY mommy always lets me have two." DH will say "Okay, finish that piece and I will give you another one."

It's nice. Way to back me up and give in to the whiner.

beebusdriver93's picture old is this child...his is almost 11 and acts like she is 2....omg this morning I was so mad but I held my cool...I went outside to my car to leave for work and it wouldnt start...does this from time to time security thing messing up so I knwo I must wait 10mins for the light to go out and it start.(his kids do not go to same school as mine...his choice)So his daughter is up...way more early then she should be she doesnt have to get on bus till 8 but she is up at she gets all dressed while im there...and when i go out door she is sitting on sofa(I just know she is up to something)so when the car didnt start I went back inside to tell him and she was no where to be seen so I ask her brother and he points down the they dont know I am in the house I walk to our room and she is in my bathroom using my things!!!!!!!!!! while he lays in bed watching tv....what the personal things are brush my stuff she has her very own in the kids bathroom. So I ask what she is doing...she said this is the only brush that makes my bangs stay back...i said but that is my stuff you have your own and I dont appreciate you coming in here after im left and using my stuff...he didnt say a word...but my point...i was there for over an hour that she was up...why wait till you think I am gone to go ask your dad to use my things!!!!!!!! He should have been a man and said nope you should have ask her...she didnt ask me cause she knew I would say no....she has her own...not like I would have not let her use a brush if she didnt have one........omg we are gonna fight about this one tonight...i know...cause the minute i approach any subject that involves her....he shuts down!

tofurkey's picture

His daughter is 6, will be 7 soon. But as I like to say she is 6 going on 3. I'm not sure if you have read any of my other comments or blogs but this girl still sits in a highchair during meal time and drinks from a sippy cup. *GAG* Nice, huh??

I understand what you mean about the brush thing. It's the principal of the thing. It's the fact that she purposely waited until she thought you left to do it, fully knowing you hadn't given her permission to use your things, but knowing that "daddy" wouldn't have an issue with it.

I had written a previous blog about how DH's daughter while she had visitations here (They are now done at MIL's) she would constantly be not only using my things but RUINING them. She would get into my makeup and ruin it, she poured expensive hair product and perfume of mine down the drain and all over the bathroom countertop. all that fun stuff. then when i would catch her and ask her what she thought she was doing she would look at me blankly then start crying and yell "daddddddyyyyy" like i just shot her favorite puppy or something. Of course he would coddle her and not punish her for anything.

beebusdriver93's picture

lol at the crying and like you shot her favorite puppy...sounds like this child...anything I say to her she gets these puppy dog tears....which now dont bother me at all cry girl cry!...I havent had a chance to read much just reading what pops up today because so much of it has helped me in the last 2 days since I found this site. So far she hasnt ruined anything of mine....lord if she does or should I say I havent found anything that she has ruined but she has stolen from me and my child...from my daughter at Christmas all of them got money from different people but she wanted to have more then anyone so she took all my childs....umm like no one would notice!!! HELLO! This site is great....glad to see I am not losing my mind and thinking this child has big big problems and for that fact so does dad
Heck the brother last year during school got bad grades on his report card and was grounded for 6wks.....he was only hurting himself...she goes in my room her brothers room...takes things...she lies...she talks ugly to people she is just a nasty little girl...and she gets a night in her room with tv...WTH!!!! come on...what did you teach her....that just next time dont get caught and there will always be a next time with her

they8ntmine's picture

OMG tofu.. The way you have written about her, she sounds like veruca salt-willy wonka and the chocolate family

tofurkey's picture

Haha! omg YES! that is soooooooooooo it. Maybe that's why I don't like that movie!?

purpledaisies's picture

WOW I could never put up with that at all. I would have already told my dh where to get off and if he didn't like oh well he can leave his and her happy butt somewhere else b/c this gal is not to be treated that way. I also think that is why it didn't take that long for dh to get on board with me about being a parent to his kids. I told me dh that I and NO PROBLEM what so ever to be a single parent again. But you see dh already knew that I would do that b/c I did once before and told him that I have 2 kids and don't need another and left him. I love my dh very very much but I told him that me and kids welfare come first and if he can't be a dad and put his foot down with his ex and she is his ex for a reason then I can;t subject myself to that life style or my kids either.

Let me see I'm trying to say this in typing but I don;t know if it is coming out the way I want. Basically I would tell dh that he had to take care of his kid and not let her be a whiny little brat and treat me like I didn;t say no than you can't have me.

tofurkey's picture

I get what you're saying. I've tried over and over and over again to get him to enfroce some kind of rules and regulations. Some kind of consequence for shitty behavior....That works for about 5 min, he will do it, she'll cry even harder than she normally would because she's not used to being disciplined by him, he'll feel bad and crack and go into coddle mode. YUCK YUCK YUCK! I just want to say DUH STUPID! she knows exactly what the shit she is doing, and it's working! stick to it for the love of God!

Now when she pulls stunts like that I just try to walk away if I can at that particular moment or if I can't then just look at him and raise my eyebrows and shake my head like are you freaking kidding me? Anddd you're not emberassed your kid acts like a rabid animal? Nice..

tofurkey's picture

It is possible like if i'm not feeling well or have something else that I need to do that takes presedence over that, DH completely understands. Butttt the only thing is that after we are done out at MIL's, me and DH have weekend work that we need to get done that we do on our way back through from MIL's and i don't want to leave him hanging on that. And DH is very good about helping out with anything my mother may need help with and doesn't think twice about it so I would kind of feel like an a.hole if I didn't go out with him to his mother's since we only see her EOW .

tofurkey's picture

I guess I also go in hopes of being able to maybe actually get a few minutes in with DH since we don't really get to spend any time together during the week, the weekends are really the only time we get a semi-substantial ammt of time together.