The Drip is Wasting the Stone
First timer!!! Thank God for StepTalk.
Today, I must say, I am at the end of my rope. Not only do I have to deal with the constant demands of a full-time job, parenting my teenage son and the stress of making ends meet with endless bills, now I have a new marriage - a blended family as it were. New Husband and new SS and SD. New stress to add to the old stress. Why Hubby can't tell his son "Let's See" as opposed to "It's up to her" is beyond me. Throwing me into the role of decision maker to his son is a position I don't want. Sooo I've told Mark (not husband's real name) don't make me the fall guy-time and time again.
Today, yet again, after asking SS to help with a small household chore, he ignored me twice. I kept my cool, went to Mark and said he doesn't want to do it, so you do it please. Mark made SS do it, got to screaming and lashed him with the belt. SS has decided he just doesn't want to listen to me. If I tell him to do something, he'll do it when he feels like it--if he feels like it. Mark just invited me to lunch with SS and I told him no. You go with him and talk to him about his attitude.
SS is over every weekend, every major holiday for the past eight months (I personally think it's too much) He's a pre-teen and old enough to understand. I've never yelled at him, never cursed at him, never lost my cool but too much is too much.
I pride myself in being patient but this is getting ridiculous. Yes, I've spoken to Mark about it, Yes, Mark understands but SS doesn't get it.
I am really good to SS. Not because I have to be but because I am a giving and patient person by nature. I treat SS like I treat my son, if anything better because I scream at my son when I'm frustrated.
Recently, bought SS a shirt because we were going out to dinner and he didn't have anything nice. Did he say thank you? Of course not. His mother who gets child support regularly never sends him with clothes or a hair cut. (That post is for another day.) (I have spent a lot of my own money because I can't stand to see a sloppy child.) Mark pays child support and after his bills, he doesn't have much afterwards.
The boy has issues and I think he needs counseling but who am I to suggest it. Sure nough, I'm not going to take him. SS doesn't like his mom prefers being with dad but SS has a naaaaaaaaaaaaaaasty attitude and gives his father talk back all the time.
Is he a bad kid? No, he's a kid that doesn't know how to handle anger. He's very angry (most probably about his parents divorce and hasn't resolved it.) I know his mom can be very verbally abusive and unemotional but then again, I'm not SS counselor. On two occasions I've told Mark that "behavior right there needs counseling" but like some men - they don't the idea of therapy or preventive medicine. Sooo here I am venting.
Can anyone out there relate???
- toomuch's blog
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More than you know!
And be thankful you only deal with that crap on the weekends as opposed to every bloody day of the week.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on! One of our older Presidents is credited with that saying but I'm drawing a blank as to which one right now. It's pretty inspirational though....we all just need to remember to tie a knot and hang on. Now, if I could only take my own advice!
Welcome to this wonderful place!
Been there and don't want to go there again
The trap in this situation is that you get pressured to make the decisions then it is likely that you will be told that your decision is not the right one. This leads to you becoming VERY angry that your authority was questioned, which generally leads to a FIGHT or frustration and emotional withdrawal.Push the decision back on him and then retreat when you disagree with husband's choices.They are likely to be much different than what you would have decided. Good Luck, I have been a SM for 13 years and it hasn't gotten any easier. I have made my last decision for any of my skids because the last experience with SD16 almost destroyed us.
You know I actually thought it would get better with time but it has gotten progressively worse. And, after reading the other posters, I guess that is a consensus.:( Thanks for the well wishes. Right back at you!
An unfortunate cycle of unacceptable behavior
You are right that things somehow seem to get worse. You would think and expect progress to be made after all of the talking, complaining, griping, etc. for improvements to be made. Or if they do happen to get better with our spouses and their children, we get our hopes up with even the smallest glimmer of progress, but it somehow spirals out of control again leaving us/me down all over again. It's a vicious cycle.