BM won't even send money for school supplies
So supposedly BM is going to send money for school supplies. But school starts Sept. 6 and nothing yet!!! Is there a sub groupor a section on here about dead-beat moms aka egg donors?!?!?6
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Get this. BM HAS a huge box
Get this. BM HAS a huge box of school supplies in their house. It's supplies her mother has bought for the kids every year for the past 3 years or so. It keeps piling up and piling up... but she refuses to let the kids use any of it. It has just sat there, piling up.
Oh and of course she doesn't pay her child support, doesn't help with school supplies, and is dead beat to the core.
I got one of them... Of
I got one of them... Of course there no court order for CS or anything but SS is with us all but 4 days a month (EOW). BM sent him home with school supplies before school started (the only time she has contributed ANYTHING!). None of the items were on the list of required school supplies. I returned them to Walmart to get the $4.72 she spent to put towards the $50+ I spent on the required supplies.
I've got one of those! BM
I've got one of those! BM Nasty however is forced to pay CS since last December (after 3 years of zip, zilch, nada). This is per the CO, otherwise she wouldn't pay a cent towards the upkeep of her own children...her words were "Why should I have to pay anything? They aren't THAT expensive! Plus, you & Anywho should be able to support them just fine! I did my job & had them for YOU, you should be grateful!"
She hadn't spoken to Skids for over a month & for school...she sent the Skids 1 tee-shirt a piece. SD7 was highly unimpressed as it has Hello Kitty on it, which she loathes.
Has your DH called her about it? Is there a CS order in place?
There is no court order or
There is no court order or anything. She basically.just left them years ago, but stops in their lives when its convenient for her which seems to be once a year for 2 weeks-maybe. She's moved from.state.and was claiming them to get government benefits and not giving us anything and we were struggling to buy food, pay rent . She has 2 other kids by another man.the list goes on and on. If u read my blog u can see all about my messed up situation with skids and their BM.