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i need to vent about BM

truebloodfreak's picture

BM is not in the picture. She is basically the worst mother I've ever met. She does NOTHING for her kids at all. I want to write her an email and just let her know what a fucked up person she is and what she's doing to her kids. Have any of you stepmoms that live with the stepkids full time ever wrote to the BM ? Should I bother telling her what should be obvious to her. I know I wont get anywhere but she needs to know some things.


areyoukiddingme's picture

I can tell you from a BM, I have no clue how some people can "not" be a part of their kids' lives. I have 2 bio-kids. One living with her dad during the school year 2 hours away but with me during the summer and every other weekend throughout the year. The other living with me full time because his bio-dad decided to move 1000 miles away, have another kid and pretend like BS7 doesn't even exist.

For one, even though there is a 2 hour distance between me and BD, I see her a lot more than the court order specifies. I probably see her more than most parents who live in the same town.

For two, sending a letter or email would be great, but as mentioned, it will do no good. For the longest time, I used to send hate mail to BS7's bio-dad because he is seriously one of the worst people I know. However, I have written letters to him but just don't send them. That has seemed to help me a bit even though it's not the same.

Soon-to-be-Step-Mommy's picture

I've gone down that road and if I could do it again, I wouldn't go there. I know how hard it is to hold your tongue, and that is why I gave it and e-mailed/texted BM. Well we are heading to court in November, and I am extremely worried that BM might have saved these messages I wrote her years ago, and use them against us as harrassment. I don't think they should affect my husbands being able to get full custody or not because they don't directly relate to his raising of his daughter, but you never know.