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privacy and alone time doesn't exist

truebloodfreak's picture

me and SO were supposed to go out to eat by ourselves. my mil said she would watch the baby but when i call her she's out. i don't mind bringing the baby with but we have t bring my ss8 with becuz SO let ss13 stay out with friends. so what i thought would be a night to talk alone. no I'm stuck listening to ss8. I'm not going to say a word. me and SO hAve been fighting a lot for the past couple months. we NEED time alone to talk but NO!!!!! I'm so sick of never having time alone. then what gets me more,, mad is that SO goes otut with his friends all the time. we hardly do anything .then i think BM never has these problems to worry about becuz her kids live with me. she can do whatever she wants too. FML


herewegoagain's picture

Ah, yes, nice...lovely...I remember those days...not saying being divorced isn't hard...but I tell you, most parents of intact families hardly get a break...and when they do, everyone is happy for them...on the other hand if you are a stepmom, many times you get no break, and if you want a break, you are evil for taking the father away from the kid...while the BM has a good time every other weekend or every weekend...