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Really getting tired of being called out by mu husband about the sd.

tryingtomakeit's picture

Our home is for sale and last Saturday we had a couple to come look at it. So, of course, ALL day until the time scheduled for them to arrive I was cleaning and making sure every thing was in its proper place. I worked very hard!

My husband calls about 2 hrs before time to show and tells me the sd is on her way. Just what I wanted to hear. Well, she gets to the house and first thing out of her mouth was...I have been up for 36 hrs due to a sleep over and I am going to bed. I, being nice, told her that she had to wait till after the people left because I didnt want her bed unmade and her in her room while they were looking. I then asked her to go put her shoes and coat up and not leave it at the door. Well, she, of course, THROWS them in the middle of the floor and goes and lounges on the couch. I go behind her and put them in her closet.

Well the next day it is time for sd to leave and she comes out of her room and asks where her shoes were...I said nicely in the closet. She looked at me and was like...what closet. I rolled my eyes and said in your closet where I told YOU to put them yesterday, but you didnt.

It was like my husband had seen a ghost. When she left the room he told me my comment was rather mean. I looked him straight in the eye and said, Well, if she had done what I had asked her to do then she would have known where here damn shoes were, then I walked away.

I am tired of being called out. She was at our house for 10 hrs and she slept 8 of those hours. Its uncalled for...she should have stayed at the moms. ANd my husband says something to me after I busted my butt because his little *angel's* feelings might have got hurt. Im about tired of her feelings...I have feelings too!

I am getting tired....very tired!


Auteur's picture

I can totally relate. If I so much as BREATHED the "wrong way" around his "angels." I'd be in hot water. I remember doing a "Nanny 911" on Prince Hygiene (at the time age 6) I had him self-entertaining and actually behaving himself. GG (biodad) looked at me as though I had harmed the kid's psyche!!! He gave me one of those "looks" as if to say "what have you done to MY CHILD??!!"

One time I asked Prince Hygiene to stop repeatedly (about 8 times) asking me if dinner was ready. I told him that he needs to stop asking me that and I'll call him when I'm ready for him. GG grew red with rage and started rubbing and consoling PH, then later said that I was "being an ASS to PH!!"

UNREAL!! These brats are so fragile and we're supposed to walk on eggshells and handle them with kid gloves!! But biodad can say anything he wants to about us or our own biochildren!! HUGE double standard.

hismineandours's picture

Accommodation. It's all about accommodating their needs-I really saw this when my ss moved out and became a part time resident here. Dh had a very difficult time with this transtion and thought it meant we were supposed to cater to his every need and not ask him to lift a finger. This past summer the turd was bringing his dirty laundry from his bm's to do at our house. Since he was not even here sometimes for a full 48 hours that meant he had limited time to complete all of his laundry. He would think nothing of going to the washing machine-taking out wet clothes belonging to the rest of the family and throwing them on the floor. Me telling him to stop that was not acceptable. So eventually I would jsut wait til his load was done in the washer and then throw it on the floor. Eventually ss got the picture. I just hated having to resort to that level.

My dh was just proud that he was doing his own laundry. GAG! It didnt make a difference that I could not do the familys laundry all weekend (when I am actually home and available to do it)and that I often had to rewash our things that he threw on the floor. Finally i told my dh to just stay out of it-since he didnt wash ANY clothes in the house it was really none of his damned business.