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tryingtomakeit's picture

So we have moved to a new house and a new town. Because of my husbands work schedule, before we moved, we discussed picking up the sd up on the weekends that she was to come. I told him I would do it, but there would be some ground rules.

1.) I want to know I have to pick her up in advance. I do not want to find out the day of that I have to drive a extra 1;30 out of my way.

2.) Once I am on my way she is not allowed to change her mind. She has to come...!

Well my husband called her last night to see if she was coming and her answer was "I DONT KNOW...Maybe"

I told my husband that if she had not texted him/called him by the time we went to bed then I would not be making the trip to pick her up. Sorry!

I am all for him seeing his kids and will help in all ways possible, but I am not his kids personal slave. I have a life and a 1 yr if they cannot plan then I will not break my plans to accomidate them!


tryingtomakeit's picture


starfish's picture

she sounds just like my pita sd15... always waiting to see if a better offer comes along. the only difference is my dh sits around and waits to see what she wants to do and usually the whole w/e is fucked waiting to see when she wants to or doesn't want to come and at what time and where she needs to be p/u. makes me want to strangle her, but i refrain and just make nasty comments to dh the whole time... neither are productive, but i can't help it. }:-)

Unfreakingreal's picture

Kids shouldn't have a choice when it comes to weekend visits with the other parent, unless they are being mistreated which would then require a court order adjustment. Stand your ground, no last minute changes allowed.

ThatGirl's picture

Agreed, she shouldn't have a choice. There should be a set day and time for exchanges, and that's that.