Going blind....
I am quite possibly going blind. Went to eye doc yesterday and he was incredibly concerned about the state of my optic nerves. Prescribed more testing, and wants to photograph the nerve to monitor progression.
This normally happens between the ages of 60 and 70. At that age 'script eyedrops or either of 2 types of surgery help slow it until the rest of the body gives out in 15-25 years. But i'm just 36. Oh my g-d... will i go blind around retirement age? I hope to hell not. Im scared to death....
- Tuff Noogies's blog
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And egfing dh is so wrapped
And egfing dh is so wrapped up in whats on tv or which kid is going where or who is calling his phone he hasnt even asked how my appointment went.
Oh and he didnt want to hear
Oh and he didnt want to hear me talking yesterday so i didnt tell him. Tonight i had to track him down just to advise him of basics. Cuz on the 2nd night he couldnt be bothered to ask. Guess where hes at? Curled up cozy in bed. Kids are fine and thats where his concern stops. Couldnt even be bothered to ask how my appt went. Im just so sick of this.
I hope it's just from stress
I hope it's just from stress or something fixable. When I was 26 I found out I have macular degeneration in one eye. There is no cure, surgery can slow the process. My center of vision is almost gone in one eye but i can still see through my peripherals. Its actually pretty cool at this stage to see colors stand out so much more vibrant than my other eye can see. I guess if I close my good eye, i see things as if i were trippin acid or mushrooms like on tv, but I literally might walk into a semi truck if Im not careful because I can't see anything but my peripherals with the da** thing. With both eyes open I can focus on both what is in front of me and what is going on around me. At first it was annoying but Im used to it now. I tell my kids that when it finally goes out, I'm moving to Florida to join a gang of pirates, and sail the seas forever.
I am so sorry you are not
I am so sorry you are not getting the support you so need right now. Will you be getting a 2nd opinion? My son was diagnosed with Keratoconus. His corneas are turning coneshaped and he is likely to end up legally blind. He is has decided to take care of himself at the ripe old age of 30 and save for the surgery.
This must be very scary for you. I hope he drops his phone in the toilet and flushes it before he realises.
That's one of my personal
That's one of my personal fears. My Mom has glaucoma and wet macular ... I get my pressure tested every 6 mos since its high.
(Hugs) This is scarey stuff. Hope the pics are good. Sorry your DH is acting insensitive right now.
So sorry your husband is not
So sorry your husband is not being supportive. If it was me I would have to have a Coke to JEsus talk with him and tell him how hurtful this behaviour is. The whole point of a partner is to be there when you need him and he is being a grade A jackass. Sending you hugs and positive thoughts xx
awww u two!!!! <3
awww u two!!!! <3
thanks guys. i'm just
thanks guys. i'm just scared. i was reading that elevated blood pressure seems to help alleviate the pressure in the eyes momentarily, but for a longer time it actually causes damage to the nerve. i'm armchairing it, but my guess is that's what the problem is. there's no history of any type of glaucoma in my family that i know of, but my brother is going to dig deeper into my dad's side of the family for me.
and yes i'm being treated for the hbp, but it's not effective enough. once i get my medical records from my previous two PCP i'm changing to one who used to have his own practice specializing in hypertension.
the ironic thing is, i have a long history of extremely low blood pressure. i'm talking like 98/65 type of readings. thanks kaos, sh!t-for-brains MIL, and dumb@$$.
Tuff, I am so sorry DH isn't
Tuff, I am so sorry DH isn't present and supportive of you right now. You are such a great DW to him. Lots of hugs and remember that it's not definitive yet. Fingers crossed.
You will be in my prayers.
You will be in my prayers. What a scary feeling
Do you have any other
Do you have any other symptoms that might link you to MS? I only ask because one of the first red flags is issues with the optic nerve, thats how alot of people are getting earlier diagnosis these days.
Im pretty sure your dr would have talked to you about it if it was a credible risk but I just wanted to mention it, just to be sure.
If blood pressure is a factor then for the love of god its time to find your zen! And if a-hole hubby is not doing his duty and causes more strain then time to kick the bugger to the curb
So sorry. That really is
So sorry. That really is scary. When you're scared that's when you really want your spouse to be there for you. Hang in there and keep thinking positive. (((Hugs)))
i'm on lunchbreak so i'm back
my appt for the test is on the 18th, so we'll see how that goes.
again, thanks ladies.
Hugs and praying for you dear
Hugs and praying for you dear