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Holy shyyyyte!

Tuff Noogies's picture

We just did our own at-home Christmas. Christmas eve (kids will do Christmas day at g-ma's and MIL's).

Kids stayed up till 2a and woke us up. They llooooved their gifts!!!! Buuttt.....

Dh surprised me. With a shiney new 9mm!!!!!!!!!! Its beautiful, fits my grip perfectly, *aaand* has laser sights!!!! It. Is. AWESOME!!!!!

Dont mean to brag on him, im just so flabbergasted i have to share!!!!


thinkthrice's picture


Monchichi's picture

Bvlgari, Dolce & Gabana, Tocade, DKNY, Guess Blum 3 And if you're my H it's Star Wars, Gaming, Ash pop head ...

Tuff Noogies's picture

Yup cheese and firearms! Hubby knows my love-language!!!! I ate my cheese, but too bad i didnt get to shoot- its been raining for days... Sad