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Is it okay to leave a 10 year old home alone over night?

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

I am renting a room from a lady that has a 10 year old son. Last night was the second time that I have been here that she has not come back home. She leaves her son home alone all day and ALL night long. Is 10 years old an appropriate age for this?


RedWingsFan's picture

NO it's not and in most states (if not all) I believe that's illegal (child endangerment)

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

It annoys the crap out of me. I feel like saying something to her but what if she kicks me out?!? You know, cuz it's none of my business...

Unfreakingreal's picture

You should move, THEN call Child Services. That is fucked up on so many levels.

Drac0's picture

That strikes me as parental negligence. You might want to check with the laws concerning child neglect in your area and report her.

hismineandours's picture

No, it's not ok. alot of states dont have specific laws with age limits on this sort of thing because it can be so variable depending on the maturity level of the child. However, I would say that most any state or cps worker would agree that 10-no matter how mature of a 10 year old you have-is just not of an adequate age to be left alone overnight. A few hours during the day? Probably ok. But all night, definitely no. You can make the report anonymously and she will never know it was you who reported her-although I would stress to them that you definitely want to remain anonymous.

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

She hasn't lived in the states for a very long time. I'm wondering if she is just clueless. She leaves him food on the stove. The kid goes outside to play with the neighbors. My gf have suggested that I say something to her. My landlord actually plans on going back to her home country next month for a full month. It's drives me nuts that she does this.

And, she cheats on her husband with a few men!!!!!

Drac0's picture

Oh wait a minute...If she is from another country then yeah, she probably has no idea that what she is doing can be considered illegal. I've been to places in Europe where it is okay to leave a sleeping child in a crib just outside the front of a store while the parent goes inside to shop. I was shocked and when I said why I think that is wrong, people just brushed me off as being "North American and strange". So yeah, this may be customary for her where she comes from, but with all do respect to her customs and her country of origin, "that sh*t don't fly here".

HadEnoughx5's picture

Swamp has left the skids alone since they were 6,7 and 8. When the SS's were 9 and 10, I had proven documentation and brought it to the GAL, who did absolutely NOTHING!

I didn't leave my kids alone until they entered high school and even then I did it gradually, but that's me.

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

That's what I'm thinking she may think. Since there is another adult at home her son should be okay. But I'm not responsible for him!!! I just overheard talking to someone trying to book airfare for the 5th of July. I hope she does leave and maybe the "reasons" as to why she stays out all night won't be around when she comes back.

PeanutandSons's picture

Pst, I don't take a shower during the day while my 10 and 11 yr old skids are conscious. I wait until they are asleep for fear of what they'd do knowing they were unsupervised for ten minutes.

misSTEP's picture

I would never have left my child or skids home alone for that long of a period of time when they were only 10 years old!

Personally, I was mature for my age and stayed home alone after school from grade 1 on for a minimum of two hours. At age 10, I would have freaked OUT if I would have had to stay in our big house by myself for the entire night. I probably wouldn't have got a minute of sleep either!

just.his.wife's picture


Did I miss a post of yours? When did you move out of your house? Whats happened hon?

katietome's picture

I'm taking a lunch break so right now I don't have time to read all the responses...


I'm more concerned that she is NOT leaving the child alone.

She is leaving the child with you.

I do not think it is acceptable to leave a 10yo child home alone overnight. Heavens, I won't leave my teens overnight alone yet.

But, if I were you... I'd be worried at what would happen if YOU are held responsible.


ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

I helped her book 2 one way tickets to her home country. So she leaves next week. If she continues to do what she is doing when she gets back I will tell her something.