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Intersting conversation with SS this morning.

Unhappy's picture

If any of you have followed any of my past blogs you will know that SS, 5 at the time, just a couple of months ago decided that he didn't want to go to school during BM's week so she called the police on him on school grounds. According to DH when the cop showed up SS kicked, punched, tried to bite him, spit in his face, and made the cop chase him all over the place.

This morning on our way to daycare SD brings this up and SS (6), in a very proud voice, states that he beat a police officer up. SD made a comment about how you can go to jail for doing that and SS told her that would never happen. I jumped in and told him that it's against the law to hit a police officer and that you can go to jail for a very long time for doing so. SS's response, "It's against the law to put me in jail because I'm to little." I couldn't believe he said that. Yes it's true as far as jail goes, but how the heck does he know that and why is he so proud that he attacked a police officer?

I really don't know how this kid will turn out in the future. When I was that little I was happy to see a cop. I always used to wave at them and I would have never thought to have hit one. It really worries me to hear this come out of his mouth. If he has this little respect for the law at 5 and 6 what will he be like when he gets older?


Unhappy's picture

It's deffinitley alarming. I'm just not sure what to think about his conversation this morning. He's still pretty little and may not understand exactly what he did or the possible outcome in the future if he thinks this behavior is okay.

kathc's picture

Explain to him that while he's too little for JAIL there is a place called JUVENILE HALL where bad kids get locked up.

StartingToLoose1t's picture

take him there. Call up the facility, explain whats happening and im sure they will allow you to have a tour.

RedWingsFan's picture

Wow, he just continues to amaze me...I'd let him know that jail is for older kids (some teens are tried as adults before they're 18) but there are bad places for bad kids too that are just like jail.

StartingToLoose1t's picture

has he seen a lot of people get arrested? My nephew had seen his mother and father get arrested several times, so then he came to live with me for a while and he hate the police, and anyone else in that similar role. i had to explain to him over and over that the police and fireman are doing there job to keep everyone safe, that if his Mommy and Daddy were doing bad things they were going to be punished just like he would be. We took several trips to the local station and fire department and they helped him really understand that they weren't bad, but sometimes they have to punish the people we love. he was 3 at the time, he is 5 now she loves the police. he says they are his protectors and friends Smile

Unhappy's picture

He's never seen anyone get arrested. He's obviously not affraid of them either. The way he was talking in the car, he was actually proud of himself for hitting the police officer.

I believe that it comes from a lack of parenting. SS respects neither of his parents so why should he have respect for anybody else. It starts at home. DH is working on it now but I don't believe BM is seeing as how she wants to be the favortist parent.

Jsmom's picture

For a cub scout activity we once went to a police station and the kids were locked in a cell. It made quite an impression on my son and the other scouts. I would look into doing something like that. Also, if any kid ever needed scouting it is your SS....

oneoffour's picture

"The policeman you hit may just be the one who will stop bigger kids from beating you up one day. So what do you think the policeman would do? Walk away and pretend he didn't see it or help you? Also you may THINK you are too little but one day you will not be too little. And then some MUCH bigger guys will sort you out as the police look the other way. And all because you were behaving badly. What a shame! Someone will beat you up and steal your money and you will end up in hospital and no one will help you or catch the guy who did it."

And a tour thru juvie. I wonder if they have 'Scared straight' for under-12s?

Unhappy's picture

SS is different. The issue is that nobody has taught him to respect adults or authority figures. I once heard him tell his grandmother that he was going to punch her in the face when he was three because she said no about something to him. When I tried to put him in a time out he ran into the living room and jumped into DH's recliner. When I went to pick him up he began to punch, kick, and claw the skin off of my arms.

The thing is, and I have tried to explain this to DH, kids are born knowing that they need to respect adults. It's something that is taught to them just like how they need to talk to and treat other people their own age. It's been a slow road traveled with trying to get DH on board with parenting but we're slowly getting there. Hopefully it's not to slow of a pace because I hate to think about what this kid will be like if he doesn't learn these life skills.

Kilgore SMom's picture

My ss BM was a dope head and the only people that ss was around until we got full custody was dope heads while he was with her. They didn't care what ss did and they talked however and said whatever they wanted in front of ss. So when we got ss full time we had to work on the respectful part and still work on it now. It is a long process. Theres always going to be a boss, parent, teacher and kids need to learen early on that they have to respect the law and follow the rules made by adults. Its sad that so many parents drop the ball and don't teach respect. The world has really changed in the last 20 years. I hate that my ss and granddaughter have to grow up in these times. All we can do is try our best as SM to help the DH do whats right before its to late.