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Let the crazy begin

Unhappy's picture

Hey everybody. Happy New Years.

DH and I have done a lot of talking recently in regards to our relationship. Both he I realized that there are areas that we both need to improve on and have decided to work on things.

Now with that being said BM is up to her typical BS yet again. DH did a great job of curbing it this time but as we all know crazy doesn't like being told no.

DH finally confronted her on having to pay for all of SS's all day kindergarten tuition. It was agreed by the two of them that the cost would be split down the middle. She swore that she was going to pay DH back for December but after DH sent her a text in regards to January's cost he realized that she was never going to pay him back and was planning on milking him for all it was worth. She basically told him that she is not responsible for half the costs, which she is correct about since it's not work related child care, but neither is DH. When DH told her that he was going to pull SS and put him back into half day kindergarten she freaked out and told him if he did that she would be filing contempt charges because he is not allowed to make educational decisions in regards to the kids without her agreeing. So DH said fine. If you want to keep SS in a program that you can't afford and I can't afford to cover your costs then I will provide my half when it's due. When SS gets booted because you cannot porvide the additional costs he will go to part time kindergarten and will be put back into part time daycare on his weeks.

Now we all know that any crazo BM that doesn't get her way will try and find a way to make their ex's come up with the money. She flat out told DH to ask HIS parents to pay for her half of SS's tuition. :jawdrop: Both DH and I were floored with that one. Then she began threatening contempt and mediation again to which DH responded with the fact that he is shocked that she can't afford the $125 in tuition costs but can afford an attorney and mediation fees. She never really responded to that one. She kept trying to make it all about SS's education but both DH and I know that it has nothing to do with that. She can't afford the daycare costs which will cost her more then the $125 a month. If she finds an alternative to daycare she is still responsible for 50% of DH's work related daycare costs so regardless she ends up getting screwed.

DH also informed her that he is going to be enforcing the 6 pm exchange on Sundays, which is in the CO, instead of the Monday drop offs at school due to SS's behavior. He told her that he can't afford to keep leaving work just becuase she tried to drop SS off at school on his custodial Monday again and he has a freak out. He by no means wants this to be permanent, but until BM can prove that SS will go to school during her custodial time things will remain this way. He cannot afford to lose his job over her inability to parent SS.

Oh man is the lady beyond p!ssed. She just expected DH to just sit there and pay her portion of SS's school costs and then started to threaten him when he said no. And you know, this lady has no idea what mediation is. For some reason she thinks that mediation means that she gets what she wants. DH tried to explain to her that mediation only works if both parties agree and unless it's court ordered he's not going since he doesn't agree with anything she wants. It's a waste of his time and his money.

I have a sneaking suspicion that things are about to get bumpy. BM will want to seek revenge for DH putting his foot down. I mean how dare he not just bend over and take it. This will be pretty interesting because she no longer has anything that she can hold over DH's head anymore. She has already done some pretty horrible things to punish him. She's called CPS and filed false chile abuse allegations and ruined DH's only chance to take the kids to see their dying great grandfather one last time before he passed this last spring. Then she even had the nerve to send him a card letting him know that if there was anything he needed that he can let her know and wanted to show up at the funeral. There truly is no end to the crazy that this lady possesses.

What do you think ladies? Was there a better way to handle it? I don't think so. Unless she gets her way there will be hell to pay.


Anywho78's picture

Sometimes, the only way to stop the insanity is to face it head on. Because she's so used to getting her way, it may well take her awhile to "adjust"

Sounds to me like he handled it as best he could. Here's to hoping she "man's up" & takes care of her business like she should have been doing all along.

On a sarcastic note, I'm glad you saw the error of your ways & are no longer being such a "taker" Wink

Seriously though, I'm happy that you & your DH have started working things out. Hopefully, things will continue to improve for you.

Happy New Years!

Unhappy's picture

I agree that it is going to take her a while to get that. I think in some way she still feels that DH is obligated to support her in her short comings. Almost like she hasn't quite understood what divorce means yet. I know that she is going to get nasty to try and get DH back under her thumb. Hopefully DH stays strong.

And if SS's education is so important to her then why not get a second part time job. She would only have to work a couple of days a month in order to come up with the amount. Nope. That's not how she thinks. She feels like it's DH's responsibility to make up for the fact that she sucks as a parent.

Anywho78's picture

Ah yes...Nasty also believes that it is SO's job to make up for & support her short comings both as a parent & as a person in general.

My fingers are crossed that your DH can keep strong and stick to his guns.

purpledaisies's picture

I was wondering about you. So glad your dh maned up. But yes it may take some time before bm gets that your dh is no longer being her bitch. Hope everything works out for you.

Unhappy's picture

I think it's more then her thinking DH is her b!tch. I think it's going to more along the lines of realizing what divorce means. She still expects DH to support her in ways that a married man would support his wife.

Unhappy's picture

Agreed. I still am in complete shock that she would tell DH to ask his parents ot pay for her share. It's insane. And yes there are going to be repercussions. She's already upset because all of a sudden, a day after the 6 pm drop off arguement, there are all of these birthday parties that are happening that just happen to start at 5 pm on Sunday. Imagine that. She sent Dh a text asking him if she could take the kids and and he told her she can do what she wants on her custodial time but the kids need to be in his custody by 6 pm. If SS has a freak out during the exchange that gives us two hours to calm him down before his 8 pm bedtime, which we'll need.