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Unhappy's picture

I know you've all heard this before, but you're about to hear it again. I NEED TO VENT!!!!

I have put up with drama from the other babies mama for almost a year now. I know that a lot of you have put up with it for far longer. But my BF finally stood up to her and told her to leave him alone unless it's kids related. Not that I'm not happy he did it. I'm actually quite proud of him. But at this moment this lady has gotten so under my skin with all of her manipulative BS, that I'm still pissed.

He can't understand why I just can't let it go. And my expanation to him is, "it took you almost a year to deal with it. You let her get away with it and I was just expected to put up with your baggage. You've started the fire and let it rage out of control, and now you just expect it to just go out?" Not how it works.

I know I should just let it go, but I can't. I have never seen anybody like this women before and he allowed her to disrespect over and over again and did nothing.

I know I will get over it. He's a great guy and I love him. Some times I just wish he would pull his head out of his butt and listen to me the first time I say things like, "you're going to have to put your foot down with her and be direct."

Here's to all the psycho BMs out there. Get a life, get on medication, get counceling, get over it. They don't want to be with your psycho a!@'s any more. Do you want to know why? Because you're a psycho. And by being annoying, manipulative, sneaky, immoral, and scandaless all you're doing is showing how desperate, pathetic, and pyschotic you really are.


on the fence's picture

Step 1. Pull head out of ass.
Step 2. Wash face.
Step 3. and so on....

Trouble is the directions are hard to read when it's so dark up there.

on the fence's picture

It's not so much the BM in my life, but I think sometimes if I want to talk to BF I need to ask his DD to open her mouth. It's bad when they're so far up each other's.

Unhappy's picture

That's great onthefence. LOL. I needed that laugh. It's so nice to be able to come here and vent seeing as how I can't do it anywhere else. And then to have someone make light of the situation and bring a smile to your face takes some of the nasty taste out of all the BS.

forever2's picture

Right on Unhappy! That last paragraph is so true. I think I will copy and paste that to BM's Christmas card this year!...

To Psycho ex during this joyful holiday season... "Get a life, get on medication, get counceling, get over it. He doesn't want to be with your psycho a!@'s any more. Do you want to know why? Because you're a psycho. And by being annoying, manipulative, sneaky, immoral, and scandaless all you're doing is showing how desperate, pathetic, and pyschotic you really are."...and a happy new year!

Anon2009's picture

I would also add that withholding visitation & contact from DH is not going to do you any favors. If anything, it will make DH dislike you even more. Please do what's right for your kids, let them have a good relationship with their Dad who WANTS to be there for them & get help!!!

onebright1's picture

I love what you said here and wouldnt it be great to put out a tv commercial that said just exactly what you did in your last paragraph.
I actually love what all of you said here.

tofurkey's picture

Yes, totally agree. It just shows that those types of women have no respect for themselves.

iloveit's picture

You know what confuses me? Why would you even WANT to be with someone who has absolutely no interest in you?!! I can tell you that any relationship I've been in that a boy/man has said they don't want to be with me anymore for any reason I'm like peace out cub scout!! Seriously, with all the people in the world don't you think they would have the intelligence to be like oh he doesn't want me well then f*ck him I'm better than that and I should be with someone who does want me! My bf's ex is trying to rape him financially in the divorce and she one time came to our apartment and sat in her car for 3 HOURS to stalk us out and catch a glimpse of me! She thinks that will bring him back to her?? Yeah because I like to make my ex's really regret dumping me by appearing to be an absolute lunatic...maybe if I threaten him by putting a gun to his head he will really miss me and take me back!!! Right on with your quote....BM'S = PSYCHO!!