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Gonna disengage from this f'n birthday party.

Vichychoisse's picture

Loud music.
Slamming doors, in and out constantly.
Orange fight.
Broken table.

I'm trying not to be the old lady here and tell them to STFU... but seriously want to go out there and start up a game of Silent Library.

What wine goes well with pizza and ice cream cake??


caregiver1127's picture

vodka on the rocks or straight up scotch of course both of these should be with a side of xanax!! - lol Good luck!!

Vichychoisse's picture

HA! Gotchya! I have a great 13-year-old single malt. Seems like a good enough occasion.

I should amend that to "Loud TERRIBLE music". I'm not THAT old. Yet. Biggrin

habsle's picture

If you want a wine pairing.....the cheap stuff and keep em coming. Smile

dragonfly5's picture

Any and a lot of does make it not as bad. Drink, drink, drink. I promise after the 3rd glass it will not seem so bad.
Sending you a hug!