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New year, new approach.

Vichychoisse's picture

While the SDs were away at BM's last week, SO and I talked about the issues they are having lately - with grades, laziness, talking back, and "forgetting" rules (they are 10 and 13). We came up with some new rules, and thought it would also be a good idea to finally get them all down on paper so we can have them read through them and reference when needed. What we've put together is certainly not ALL the rules, just the new ones (like the earned TV time) and those they have been slipping on lately.

We discussed with the girls yesterday over lunch, and it went well. They actually even had some suggestions based on trouble they have with each other. Heh. We also went over their lists of individual chores and a long list of suggested activities to earn the TV time.

Am I f'n insane to hope this will work, or at least help? Probably. But at least it's something, and hopefully will inspire SO to stick to his guns on this stuff 100% of the time instead of the 75% he does now. Maybe too much to hope for.


  1. No arguing with adults.
    If you disagree with a decision or have a differing opinion, you can calmly state your opinion which may be discussed further. However, if a parent says the discussion is over, then it is over.
  2. Homework is done after school.
    All homework assignments must be finished as soon as you get home from school.
  3. Chores are done after homework.
    All chores are to be done after homework on weekdays, and before 5pm on weekends. It is your responsibility to ensure that your chores are done when they need to be done.
  4. Television time will be earned.
    Every A grade earns 1 hour a week and Bs earn 30 minutes a week of television time. A day of school earns 30 minutes. Otherwise, time spent at constructive activities will earn equal time for television. Constructive activities include homework, extra credit work, reading books, doing extra chores, and any kind of exercise or physical activity. It does not include computer time.
  5. Bedtime is 10:00pm.
    Television and computers are off and you are in your bedroom.
  6. All belongings are removed from the common areas daily.
    Remove all dishes and any personal belongings from the common areas before bed.
  7. Clean up when you are done with things.
    When you are done with homework, crafts, or snacks, put away all supplies, throw away garbage and wipe surfaces. When you are done with dishes, they go in the dishwasher unless it is full of clean dishes - then they go in the sink. All dishes should be rinsed and free of scrap food before they go in the dishwasher.
  8. Call or text if you are going to be late.
    This includes coming home from school or any other activity, and should be done as soon as you know you will not be home at the expected time.
  9. Laundry must be finished before bedtime.
    If you do laundry, the washer and dryer will not be run at night or early morning. If you are doing laundry, offer to do all of the laundry. If one person does all of the laundry, it is each person’s responsibility to put their own clean laundry away. If one person does only their own laundry, they should put back the other’s dirty laundry where they found it.
  10. No food in the bedroom.
  11. Bedroom will be tidied every two weeks.
    On the Wednesday before the cleaner comes, everything should be picked up off the floor, clothes and other items put away, garbage thrown away and sheets changed so that she can vacuum and clean the room. Used towels and sheets should be put with the laundry for the cleaner to wash.
  12. Snack food will be limited.
    Food on the middle shelf of the fridge, as well as peanut butter, bread or tortillas, cereal and oatmeal can be eaten as you please. You must ask if you want to eat or snack on any other food. Peanut butter will be limited to one jar per week, and cheese will be limited to one package per week each.
  13. The following are NEVER allowed, under any circumstances:
    Fighting, cruel language, kicking, punching, throwing things, hitting, scratching, screaming, stealing, threatening to do or doing damage to any person or property including your own property, mistreatment of any pet.


Vichychoisse's picture

We discussed putting in the consequences as well, but decided it was probably redundant considering that they are always the same (removal of privileges), with severity decided on a case by case basis (ie, which privilege(s) and for now long). Do you think it would be helpful to somehow get that scale in writing as well?

NCMilGal's picture

They sound like reasonable rules.

I'll tell you, we only have SDstb16 during holidays and summers, and EVEN THEN, her bedtime is 9pm.

Bedtime is not lights out; she is allowed to stay up and read or write (she writes fiction and poetry) until she is tired.

Even with that early bedtime, she sleeps until 10am. Teenagers need more sleep than anybody.

oneoffour's picture

I would add to #5... and cell phones. They could sit in their rooms and text the night away because you didn't specify it.

Otherwise I hope it works for you, sounds good to me.

Doubletakex3's picture

IMHO and experience, it'll work as long as DH is consistent. We documented the rules, even had the kids sign them, and as soon as FDH slacked on enforcement they were useless. I sincerely hope, for your sake, your DH remains consistent.

Vichychoisse's picture

Thanks HRNYC!

I don't know if I would go for the same bedtime either, but SO insists it makes it easier for both at the same time and they seem to have no problem getting up in time for school, so I let it go. What matters to me is that they HAVE a bedtime and it's observed, so I know, every day, when they will be out of my grill.

They already offer to do each others' laundry - it's the follow-up that is the problem. They throw the others' dirty and/or clean clothes on their bed or the floor.

I like your other suggestions, thanks!