Bm's newest alligation
thank goodness for this site so that I can have an outlet for this everyday shit. the newest alligation from the BM includes that I choked ss13 three years ago and that I have kicked BF and ss16 out of the house this past weekend, because I was pissed off about the recent agreement that was a healthy and safe alternative for our ss13 instead of visiting in our home. (Jeeze the way that this letter from BM's attorney sounds like the 4 kids that live here are in danger)
I had to write our attorney a reasponse to her most recent alligations and found myself going off on a venting session, thank goodness I took my time and hung on to the email before sending it a few minutes ago. I had let loose telling him how we spent the whole weekend together and ended up having sex as married couples do even the position. Telling every event from moment to moment about what each of the kids were doing where they went. etc.
This is not the first time that Bm has made such an outlandish alligation, it has been addressed by the court ordered therapist that all of this needs to stop. that none of this harrassment has or is helping the boys or the rest of the children in the home. BM's response was that she was not responsible for the other kids in the house and went on claiming that they were rude, used drugs and were mean to the boys anyhow. She missed the whole point of the therapists letter. (by the way my kids aren't, grade reports have positive comments about behaviors, 13 year old babysits for teachers and law enforcement in town, oldest one's graduated with honors and now are on the dean's list - but BM cares less about that)
Bm refused to have ss come down to his grandparents for the week so BF has lost out on another whole week of visitation between himself and his son.
Still have not heard back on the Hippa reports or the confidential police reports that Bm is passing around. I will end up having to deal with it with a law suit. More money, you would think that I was producing the stuff in my basement the way I'm forced to spend it.
My whole situation has really opened my eyes up to how some parents give up on seeing their kids, they can't afford the finacial pressure and the emotional burden is devistating. Hubby was having chest pains this weekend after Bm pulling her shit - because here we are spinning our wheels and nothing is getting better or changing.
(I know that there are those dead beats but you really have to wonder if hubby and I are professionals with good reputations and children living in our home are having these problems, you know that there are many others)
- violetforest's blog
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Do we deal with the same
Do we deal with the same BM?
We had court last Tuesday. BM had stopped access and then had a hearing to have it reduced. She lost. Her allegations were that bf had an alcohol problem and that I had kicked him out of the house. Her 'proof' was an anonymous post written by some woman on some talk board. The ONLY thing I have in common with the author of that post is that we both had parents who died in 2009. A search for other poss on that board showed that the author lives in the UK, as only one child, has undergone fertility treatments, works at a university and her bf has been jailed for drunk driving a couple of times. NONE of that applies to my situation at all.
well why dont you keep her
well why dont you keep her then, I am more than happy to give Bm away!!!
Court in our case with no evidence, but GAL had bf undergo an aoda assessment (no tickets, fines etc), she demanded a copy in court and the judge informed her that she had no right to that information all that she needed to know was that bf had completed the assessment and "passed". Bm put it in the legal request to the court last week (which goes to the same judge) that she doesn't know if Bf has completed the assessment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are you kidding me, what like the judge is going to lie to you. we are hoping that the judge sees fit to have her pay the $250.00 it cost to do the assessment for unnecessary reasons.
I don't know where you live but I would be more than happy to put her in a box and ship her your direction. Your Bm could have a new best friend BM.