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Wah-wah-11's picture

I was nice enough to pick up the SKs from BM and let DH sleep since he works nights. As we are pulling out BM is waving bye to them and I said wave to your mom she's waving at you... SS9 looks at BS2 and says "BS say bye bye mommy" I corrected him, next SS is chewing in BS toys trying to mess them up and I told him not to. So then he tells BS to chew them up. Next I tell BS to get his fingers out of his mouth and quit biting his nails. So he does and SS says "BS do it again" so he does.. I tell him no and tell SS he has no business telling him to do something I just said not to do ... So wen we get home I tell DH & the only thing he says is well he doesn't need to tell him to call her mommy but never said a word to him ...
He took them to school this morning called me looking for one of the kids glasses like it's my job to keep up with them ...
He comes home and crawls back in the bed .. Even though he sees I'm cleaning house and taking cRe of OUR child ...


Wah-wah-11's picture

I told SS last night when he came in the kitchen asking for a snack "oh so you want me to do something for you? So why don't u go tell ur daddy how rude & disrespectful you were to me yesterday bc he thinks I'm picking on you." He said ok I will & said let's be clear if you can't figure out how to be nice to me I won't do anything for u". So he goes & tells DH & then DH comes to the kitchen & I told him we were going to end up divorced bc he can't admit that I'm not picking on his kid & his kid is mean to me & I said I won't do anything for him any more if this is how he's gonna treat me