Who needs tv, this show is way better
So SD is falling into comfort. After shopping and getting home at 9pm, and spending an obsurd amount of money on SD altogether for Christmas. While I bought myself some new outfits and a coat while SO shopped for SD.SO had already given me his portion towards the bills this month, so I don't care what he spends.
We get home, he is tired and his back hurts. SD comes out of her room saying, "Where's my food?" SO tells her there is food in the house, make something. To which she responds, "I don't like the food here, I told you to pick me up dinner." Now SO is annoyed but hides it because he is trying to kiss her butt and make her like him.
So we put everything away and he is cooking. SD decides this is when she wants to be in the kitchen making something for herself. She is getting in his way, making a mess. SO tells her to hurry up she is in his way. SD responds, " I will when I'm done!". SO is unbelievably annoyed but fighting to hold it in. SD is also pushing her limits with DD by wearing shorts several sizes too small so her butt and cooter are hanging out. He tells her to pull them down and wear them right. Of course her response is, " It's not my fault, they just ride up on me that way."
SD eats her dinner then goes in her room, leaving a huge mess in the kitchen for SO to clean. He is exhausted and I have been relaxing hanging out with my neice and we are both laughing about the whole thing.
Perfect end to the evening, SO is finally getting ready to go to bed and SD comes out demanding he get her bottled water because she needs something to drink. He still sucks it up even though he is on the verge of exploding and tells her she will have to drink the tap water like everyone else. So SD decides to cut off her nose to spite her face and go back to her room pouting.
- Wicked stepmo.'s blog
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Well, doesn't she sound like
Well, doesn't she sound like a pleasant little snowflake? I think your attitude is perfect. Sit back, eat your popcorn, and don't involve yourself.
You bet, this is just the tip
You bet, this is just the tip of the iceberg. I have seen her in action before. She is relentless. SO is not going to be able to maintain his composure for long. This is the game she plays.
Be nice to get stuff. Once we get stuff, try to get more stuff. If we are not getting what we want, start punishing DD by doing things we know make him mad. Daddy finally loses it one day. SD initiates WWIII and becomes the most cold, heartless, abusive human being she can be. Says things that would rip any parents heart out of Thier chest. She then exits and ghosts him until she feels he has learned his lesson.
The good news is because I stay out of it and have stopped feeling sorry for SO. Each time this happens SO learns from it. He isn't ready to give up on her, or accept this is who she is yet. But he has stopped making excuses for her behavior. Which is a step in the right direction.
At least you aren't enabling
At least you aren't enabling by helping him with his mess. Hopefully he can clean it up himself. There's only so much you can tolerate in your own home, though.
Oh no wayyyyyyyyyyyyy would
Oh no wayyyyyyyyyyyyy would that bs fly in my house.
I would have said to his kid, DO NOT speak to my husband that way.
Why did you decide to NOT stick UP for your husband? In your own house to boot?
That is a red line for me.
Because I learned my lesson,
Because I learned my lesson, if I don't interfere and don't have an opinion I can't be scapegoated as the bad guy.
I put SO in counseling the counselor takes on that role. Since he is a neutral party SO listens to him and takes his advice. When it was me, it would get twisted into the you don't like my daughter.
It's true I do not like his daughter but that is because she is a bad person who uses and abuses people with zero remorse. So it's better I stay out of it. Plus I don't want to get involved. If I wanted to be in an emotionally abusive, toxic relationship I would have stayed married to my husband. It's too exhausting.
He is a grown man and needs to figure this out on his own. As long as we have our relationship and it is good between us. I don't care about his issues with his kids.
I agree, stay out of it!!
I agree, stay out of it!!
It’s always SM fault
Just try to figur out how all of this is going to be your fault. Because it can not be DD fault.
Time to pop some corn. A glass of wine. And take videos for future enjoyment
Two cocktail show?
Do you have a dinner show as well?
This is just too funny. I am truly sorrry for laughing.
The only thing better would be a video of you Dear Husband's face and action's.
It is so hard to step back and get the bigger picture with the Bio kids.
Thanks so much for the much neede laugh
To quote Red Green " We are all in this Together ! ! !
Warmest regards Jake
Way to go!
Way to go!
~~"Now SO is annoyed but
~~"Now SO is annoyed but hides it because he is trying to kiss her butt and make her like him."~~
LOLOLOL. Yeah, that always works out great and NEVER creates a monster. Lol!!!