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Stupid Witch.....All year long, not just at Halloween!

WifeVersion2.0's picture

So freaking annoyed by BM.

First of all, she decided to get internet again and has found her way to Facebook. I love my Facebook and I love keeping in touch with all of my friends, family, kids and stepkids. It's always been "safe" for me because BM hasn't had internet at home for the past two years and she's not all that computer savvy. When I first set up SS's Facebook with him they didn't have the option for a relative that was a Step-xxx so SS listed me as his Mom (which he calls me most of them time when he's here). Well within 5 minutes of BM becoming friends with SS I get a notification that he is confirming me as his SM instead of mom. Not a huge deal, I know that's my official title but it ticks me off that BM made a big deal out changing it to SS. Mostly I'm upset because now I feel like I have to watch what I post and who I tag so that BM doesn't get any more information than she absolutely needs. It's like she's somehow invaded my territory. It's stupid and immature, I realize this, but it still bugs me.

Second, DH and I have it set up so that we have all the kids (we have 4 between us) or no kids on any given weekend. It took us about a year to pull this off and we enjoy our kid-free weekends VERY much. So, today we are snuggled up on the couch (wearing very little clothing) when SD walks in the front door at 4:30! Her BM is supposed to bring her home at 7:00pm!! Come to find out BM brought her home early because the 'baby' (who is 3 years old) was asleep now and it's easier for SS to watch her while she's sleeping so BM brought SD home 2.5 hours early with no phone call, no notice, nothing! I mentioned to SD that it was a good thing we were here and that a phone call would have been nice and she said she asked BM if she could call us and her BM told her NO! WTF????? First of all, SD doesn't need to ASK to call us, she has her own cell phone that WE pay for. She can text/call us whenever she wants to but it's my opinion that this is the BM's responsibility! Don't get me wrong, I'm happy SD is here but I feel like my "adult" time was cut short for no reason other than BM's convenience.

Then I also found out that she was late Thursday AND Friday picking SD up from school. She is the one that requested the from school pick up so that she could beat some of the evening traffic and she has been late more times than not. And I'm not talking 5 minutes late, I'm talking 15-50 minutes late. Reasons include: BM was taking a nap with the "baby" and didn't wake up on time, BM forgot what time SD got out of school, BM didn't realize how bad traffic would be, BM didn't realize her clock was wrong, etc.....

UGH....I just hate this woman. I knew that having SD live with us full time would change some of the dynamics of our dealings with BM but I'm just so sick of her!

OK.....vent over.


hanneyh1's picture

Sadly, the BM I deal with is very similar to yours. She is never on time and has used every excuse under the sun for it as well as new excuses for not wanting her own daughter on the very little time she's allotted by the courts anyway. Yet, there's nothing we can do, not even legally to get her back on track or to even just get full physical custody and cut BM out altogether...

ThatGirl's picture

I've pretty much quit using FB because I don't want the backlash that comes from BM's side. I feel like I can't post pictures of OSD's son when they are at our house, because BM gets jealous that we see them more than she does... things like that. Maybe I should just block them all so that I don't have to worry about it.

As far as skids being dropped off early? I absolutely hate it! I feel like we should be able to lock the door and not answer it. 7pm is drop off time, and I don't think a phone call is too much to ask if BM can't stick to it.

skylarksms's picture

Even if you block BM, she COULD use SS's FB profile to see your stuff. It's a vicious cycle.