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Hicks question.

Willow2010's picture

I do not want to take over hicks blog but I do have a “take off” question on that question….

Would you rather your BM be ugly and gross, or pretty and clean?

I am on the fence about it. lol


Pook's picture

Okay, pardon the cheese factor in my response, but I wish to high heaven that my BM (my ex-wife, as it were) were pretty and clean on the inside! Truthfully, she is not attractive, warts on the face, rotten teeth, the whole 9 yards! I swear that all her ugliness and selfishness has come through her body and face!

I don't worry about my DH exes because I figure if he is with me, I have something he likes!

PeanutandSons's picture

I don't really care about their looks so much, but if I had to pick I guess that I would rather them be pretty. Almostnmakes me wonder what's wrong with me, since his to baby mamas are so hideous,lol

But my wish for the bms would be for them to be better human beings so they could take their kids for visitation and give me a break.

Pook's picture

I am bigger than my BM and she loved telling my SS how gross I was and how my doctor should commit me... okily dokily... Luckily for me, I am curvy and womanly!

rjdeandg's picture

Uglier and fatter, our bm is defanitly uglier than I am, however I am bigger but much much better proportioned than her, she looks like a line backer from the top, huge broad shoulders and back very masculine, but from the waist down looks like a 10 year old boy no butt or hips and tiny tiny stick legs, it just looks weird, whenever I see her I just stare its like a train wreck

Ghost Rider's picture

I couldn't care less if it swung one way or another. I just wish she would act like a normal F'ing person and realize that her life ended with him and move on!

Quit finding new drama. As a matter fact I just want her to have an


BSgoinon's picture

I don't think it matters to me how she looks. Nothing could compensate for how stupid she is.

Although she is VERY unattractive. She isn't fat. She is skinny but not the attractive kind of skinny, its more like the deflated balloon kind of skinny because she used to be fat. Kinda the "this is your body on meth" kind of skinny.

Lalena75's picture

Doesn't matter to me because I don't bother comparing our looks. Personality is why SO left her, behavior is why SO, left her. She's average looking I guess kinda low class and no fashion sense, but not ugly or old (she does look older than me and I'm 4 years older) but a person can be rocking hot shit and be the biggest douchebag, or ugly and a super sweet kind person. Me it's all about attitude.

Unfreakingreal's picture

I wish she was INVISIBLE. As in NON-EXISTANT as in falls off the face of the Earth. She is by far the ugliest human being I have ever encountered. And I mean where it counts, on the INSIDE. Her ugliness has seeped out and now she's physically as ugly as she is on the inside.

imjustthemaid's picture

Our BM is fugly and saggy. She looks like she is a 50 yr old who has been drinking and drugging for many years. Gross. She is white as a ghost, saggy, tree trunk legs, gross teeth, and has 17 gross tattoos. Not nice ones. They are cheap and nasty and in weird places. She was screwing the tattoo guy for free tats! She just died her hair yellow. Now she looks like a fat banana!
Seriously DH what the hell were you thinking??? And she is uglier on the inside. Mean and crazy as they come!!

StickAFork's picture

I just wish she was prettier on the inside.

She is slightly taller than me, same dark hair but much shorter, she's pretty heavy, and never smiles. She always has a scowl on her face. I figure she must be unhappy with herself and her life to have a perma-scowl on her face.

I don't know that I have an opinion on whether I wished she was prettier or uglier than me...

twopines's picture

She could be Miss Nude America for all I care. As long as she sticks to the agreement to only call DH when it's about their skids, all's well.