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Oh silly BM

Willow2010's picture

When BM sent SS to live with us, she agreed to send back the money that was garnished from DH’s check for CS. And to include her own CS on top of that. All fine and good right? Well it is like pulling freaking teeth to get it from her in a timely manner. There is always some reason it is not here when it is supposed to be, or why it is short bla,bla,bla.

BUT…back when she had SS, she would have a freaking fit if it was not in her account the DAY she thought it should be. The CS goes though the AG but if it was one day late she would call wanting to know where in the hell “her money” was at? DH always just told her to call the AG.

Any who…DH and BM have agreed to split SS’s car insurance. She keeps forgetting to send it. DH got tired of it and called her to ask if she could please send the insurance with the next CS payment and please be on time since it is after Christmas and the money is needed. She flipped her lid. Told him he was nickel and diming her to death and she can’t believe how greedy he is and he should be grateful that she is even sending him, HIS money back and that he is making money off of SS being with him. DH rarely lets her get to him anymore, but he told her in no uncertain terms that she was out of her mind. He told her that in 16 years he NEVER griped about paying CS and extra’s and now she wants to cop an attitude over something like this??!! He told her to just forget it and he would pay the damn insurance so he did not have to listen to her mouth.

She did apologize later, and said she sent the insurance AND CS. But it still floors me to see how people act when the tables are turned on them. She is such a stupid cow.


purpledaisies's picture

I would never agree to having any of my skids live with me until the proper paper work was in order! which will never happen }:)