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Willow2010's picture

I can’t remember who said it, but someone on here stated that most posters on step talk are non custodial step moms. I actually thought that it was more custodial and 50/50 step moms.
Let’s take a poll for fun because I am curious.

Let’s all list what we are as a step parent…are you…

NCSP – Non Custodial Step parent
C – Custodial Step parent
50/50. Step parent

I’ll go first. I am …

C - Custodial


sweetthing's picture

On paper we are NCP ( CS based) howver in real life it is more like 40-45/60 as we see the kids almost daily.

dakotamom's picture

NCP - but they practically move in for the summer. with us on weekends they want something.

skylarksms's picture


stpmom2b's picture

This is me too. I'd love for our house to be "home" to the stepkids but I know I would go cazy if I had them all the time!

Auteur's picture

I wouldn't mind being CP if it were NO HOLDS BARRED and if the horrendous "parents" GG and the Behemoth and CPS would stay out of the way so that I could properly parent all three.

They'd be pulling A's, off the meds and out of "special ed classes" in about 60 days.

Willow2010's picture

It sucks and I am totally envious of those of you that are NCP or even 50/50.

Geema's picture

50/50 SM (there is no set schedule and he pops in whenever he can't get his way at one home or the other, or when BM is sick of him)

TheBrightSide's picture

50/50 (although DH sees SD10 almost every day on his non-custodial days because he coaches her sport).

mom23ms's picture

On paper it was 60/40 (60 being us). I WAS mostly the C though. Even though I had no effin say in anything.

Auteur's picture

"Let’s take a poll for fun because I am curious."

These are always dangerous words, but I'll bite


Is this poll scientifically double blind and what is the margin of error?

Totalybogus's picture

I was CP in my prior marriage. I am NCP in my current marriage. I prefer NCP. I don't have to parent them and I get to be just like a fun aunt. When they start getting on my nerves, I can make a date with friends and get away from them.

I also believe based on my experience you spend more as a CP regardless of whether they are steps or bios.

j-dog's picture

NCSP--Mondays overnight and EOWe.
Some weeks, that averages out two about 2 days per week too many!

happymostly's picture


WickednNasty's picture


Dumby's picture

NCSP to 3
C to my 1

Sometimes I think it would be easier to have them full time so they could get used to the rules I have at my house. When we have them for a week things start going smoother after about the 4th day but then they go home.

We debate taking BM back to court for custody and depending on how the kids are behaving I am for or against it.

I have two grown boys ages 22 and 21 and I have a son 10.
He has SS12, SS10, and SD8. Just not sure I want to raise three more kids.

Elizabeth's picture

NCSP for the past three years
C for four years before that
50/50 for nine years before that

Not sure ANY of these situations work if you have a bioparent (or parents) who wants to be a "friend" more than they want the kid to grow up to be a responsible, independent adult.

Frustrated New Wife's picture


sixteensmom's picture

Empty nester now.
Ncsp when kids were younger. Boys came to dinner once a week and visited eow, usually went back to bm to sleep..

annaw's picture

NCP and staying that way! I'd move the other side of the world rather than have that brat in my house distrupting everything!!!! Congrats to all those that can actually stand having skids around - even 25% of the time!

starfish's picture

NCP, but it's damn near close to 50/50. and i would freak out if it ever increased.... i cry just thinking about the possibility.

alwaysanxious's picture


Rags's picture

CSP for me. No bios.

Empty nesters on Monday 04/11/2011 at 16:00. He is off to USAF BMT for 8.5wks to start his 6yr enlistment.

BellaMia's picture

C for one

NCS for the other (but I doubt it stays that way for long... H picked some real winners... :O )